4 Ways to Declare a String Variable in Python

4 Ways to Declare a String Variable in Python

  • Python
  • 2 mins read

In this tutorial, you'll learn to declare a string variable in python in 4 different ways.

1. Using Single Quotes

In the below example, it will simply declare a string using the single quotes and will print on the screen.

a_string = 'Hello World!'


Hello World!

2. Using Double Quotes

You can also declare a string using double quotes in Python. The following is an example:

a_string = "Hello World!"


Hello World!

3. Handle Single Quote in a String

Suppose you have an apostrophe (') in the string, then you would not be able to declare a string variable with single quotes. Apply these two methods to handle a single quote in a string:

a. Using Backslash (\) to Escape the Single Quote

a_string = 'Python is the world\'s best programming language.'


Python is the world's best programming language.

b. Using Double Quotes

a_string = "Python is the world's best programming language."


Python is the world's best programming language.

But what if a string is having both single and double quotes? The following is the way to handle it.

4. Handle Both Single and Double Quotes in a String in Python

a. Using Backslash (\)

Declare a variable with double quotes and put the backslash before double-quoted value.

a_string = "Python is the world's best \"programming language\"."


Python is the world's best "programming language".

b. Using Three Double Quotes

Declare the string in three double quotes then no need to put a backslash to escape the quotes.

a_string = """Python is the world's best "programming language"."""


Python is the world's best "programming language".

See also: