Best 2D Game Courses on Udemy

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In this post, I will share some of the best 2D Game courses available on Udemy for Programmers and Software Engineers. In the first section, you will find a quick list, and in the next section, each course is described in detail. Please have a look:

Are you interested in learning more about 2D Game courses? Check out the details below to see which 2D Game course is right for you.

Best 2D Game Courses on Udemy

Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D

 in stock
as of July 16, 2024 9:56 pm

Learn Unity in C# & Code Your First Five 2D Video Games for Web, Mac & PC. The Tutorials Cover Tilemap

Created by: Team
Learn to Make and Sell Games
Created by: Rick Davidson
Helped More Than 1 Million Students To Create & Grow
Created by: Gary Pettie
Indie Game Developer :: Tutor
Rating:4.69 (95962reviews)     432672students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Learn C#, a powerful modern language, from scratch. No prior programming experience is necessary.
  • Become excellent at using the Unity game engine.
  • Build a solid foundation for game design and game development that will help you build your own games.
  • Learn how object oriented programming works in practice.
  • Create playable game projects - good for your portfolio, or just for your own sense of achievement.
  • Transfer your knowledge from this course to .NET, other languages, and more.
  • Develop highly transferable coding problem solving skills.
  • Be part of an amazing and supportive community of people similar to you.


  • Mac or PC capable of running Unity 2019 or later.
  • A passion and willingness to learn how to code.

Target audience

  • Competent and confident with using a computer.
  • Some programming experience helpful, but not required.
  • Artists who want to learn to bring their assets into games.
  • Complete beginners who are willing to work hard.
  • Developers who want to re-skill across to game development.

The Ultimate Guide to Game Development with Unity (Official)

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as of July 16, 2024 9:56 pm

Created in partnership with Unity Technologies: learn C# by developing 2D & 3D games with this comprehensive guide

Created by: Jonathan Weinberger
Authorized Unity Instructor
Created by: Unity Technologies
The leading global game industry software
Rating:4.61 (17050reviews)     82478students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Master beginner C# concepts, like variables, "if" statements, and arrays
  • Detect collisions, receive user input, and create player movements
  • Create power-ups including triple shots, laser beams, speed boosts, and shields
  • Apply shaders that transform your game backgrounds
  • Create enemies with basic AI behavior
  • Collect and destroy game objects
  • Implement sound effects, background music, and particle effects
  • Activate and use Unity’s Team Collaboration service
  • Navigate the Unity Engine and discover unique features like the Asset Store
  • Deploy your game to over 20 web or mobile platforms


  • No prior programming or Unity experience is required. If you have worked in C# or Unity before, this course can help you fine-tune your game development skills.
  • In this course, I will walk you through installing Unity on your computer. It will be helpful if you are comfortable with installing your own software.
  • A basic understanding of mathematics (order of operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication) will facilitate comprehension of certain coding logic.
  • Before beginning this course, you should be comfortable browsing the Web.

Target audience

  • The ideal student for this course is someone who is interested in game development with Unity and C# and is looking for an interactive, project-based course.
  • People interested in developing commercial quality 2D and 3D games either professionally or as a hobby.
  • Anyone seeking an understanding of best coding practices such as organization with your project and optimal development workflow that are essential to game development.
  • This course is not for someone who is an advanced game developer. This course is also not for students who are not interested in learning to code as you will get an introduction to the fundamentals of C# programming.

Become a Game Designer the Complete Series Coding to Design

 in stock
as of July 16, 2024 9:56 pm

Master Unity, 3D game design, 2D game design, coding, C#, game development, 3D animation, programming, level design...

Created by: [ School of Game Design ]
Real world training from game design experts!
Rating:4.59 (7694reviews)     64930students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Create advanced 2D/3D games and applications
  • Develop for Nintendo, Xbox, PS4, PC, Mac, iPhone, Android
  • Have an expert understanding of the Unity game engine
  • Have an expert understanding of Maya, 3DS MAX and Mudbox
  • Have an expert understanding of digital painting in Photoshop
  • Work in game design, film, or software development
  • Build and publish your own games and apps


  • General computer skills
  • A 3 button mouse will be usefull for moving around 3D space but is not required.

Target audience

  • All skill levels
  • People interested in working in the game design industy
  • Please who want to create and publish their own games

Learn to Create a Metroidvania Game using Unity & C#

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as of July 16, 2024 9:56 pm

Game development made easy. Learn C# using Unity and create your own 2D action game!

Created by: James Doyle
Teaching The Basics of Making Games
Rating:4.7 (469reviews)     3568students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Learn C#, a modern versatile programming language
  • Understand the capabilities of 2D development in Unity
  • Develop strong and transferrable problem solving skills
  • Gain an understanding of the game development process
  • Learn how object oriented programming works in practice


  • Mac or PC capable of running Unity 3D
  • A copy of Unity 2021.1 or newer

Target audience

  • Anyone who wants to make their own action metroidvania games
  • People who want to create and publish their own games
  • Complete beginners with an interest in learning game development
  • Developers who want to re-skill across to game development
  • People interested in working in the game design industry
  • Competent and confident with using a computer

Unity 2D Dungeon Gunner Roguelike Development Course

 in stock
as of July 16, 2024 9:56 pm

Build a sophisticated 2D Roguelike Dungeon Shooter game using the Unity game engine and C# in this intermediate course.

Created by: Rob Ager
Unity Developer
Rating:4.75 (451reviews)     4661students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Unity 2D Game Development to create a 2D Dungeon Shooter Roguelike game like 'Enter The Gungeon' or 'The Binding Of Isaac'.
  • Intermediate level course will show you how to build a sophisticated game by creating complex Unity components using C# scripting.
  • How to build a fully featured, complete game – not just a tech demo.
  • 160+ in depth lectures with over 50 hours of detailed video supported by a full completed project with save points after every lecture.
  • How to build a dungeon room node editor tool to create node graphs of dungeon room layouts for dungeon levels.
  • Implement game cameras using Cinemachine and Pixel Perfect components.
  • How to use layers and sorting layers in a 2D game, and create dungeon room templates using tilemap layers.
  • Create entire randomized game levels using a dungeon builder algorithm that combines dungeon level node graphs and dungeon room templates.
  • Create multiple player characters using prefabs, animator controllers and animations.
  • Implement player movement and weapon aiming, including dodge roll manoeuvres.
  • Doors which open for the player and lock the player into dungeon rooms while battling enemies.
  • Dungeon lighting that fades in as dungeon rooms are explored.
  • How to create object pools and use them in the game to improve game performance.
  • How to implement multiple weapon and ammo types which are configurable using scriptable objects.
  • How to implement sound effects in the game using audio sources, audio listeners, and audio mixers.
  • How to create a Minimap in the game UI to show a zoomed out view of the player and surrounding dungeon rooms.
  • How to create special effects using particle systems and implement them for weapon shooting and ammo hit effects.
  • Create multiple enemy types and bosses that you will encounter across the multiple dungeon levels.
  • Use hidden tilemaps to store grid properties, such as preferred paths for enemies.
  • Understand how AStar pathfinding works by using algorithms and create an AStar pathfinding system for the game enemies.
  • Learn how to spawn enemies in dungeon rooms in a configurable and random way using materialize effects.
  • Implement weapons and ammo for enemies, including ammo patterns and enemy weapon firing AI.
  • Create health and damage systems for ammo damage and contact damage.
  • Learn how to implement play across multiple dungeon levels with boss battles, and high scores with accuracy multipliers.
  • Create items to decorate the dungeon rooms that can take damage and be destroyed.
  • Learn how to implement tables that can be flipped to provide cover for the player.
  • Implement Dungeon Chests that the player can loot, that can contain health, ammo and weapons.
  • Implement a dungeon overview map that the player can use to navigate to rooms they’ve already visited.
  • Learn how to implement music in the game which is configurable for each dungeon room to play both ambient music and battle music.
  • Add a Pause Menu to adjust the music and sound effect volume levels, and save the set levels using Player Preferences.
  • Create a Main Menu for the game with a character selector, high scores table, and game play instructions.


  • *** PLEASE DON'T BUY THIS COURSE IF YOU ARE AT A BEGINNER LEVEL! This course doesn’t cover C# and Unity basics. The last thing I want is for you to be frustrated and leave a negative review because you don’t have the required basic knowledge to follow the lectures. This is an intermediate course and you need the required skills listed below. I of course would love you to enrol in the course, but if you don’t have these skills start with some beginner courses and then come back once you have built a few games and have a good level of knowledge of C# and Unity. ***
  • THIS IS AN INTERMEDIATE LEVEL COURSE. You should have Intermediate Unity Development Skills - and built a few Unity prototypes or games before.
  • Good knowledge of the Unity editor, and how to use it's main features.
  • Good knowledge of C# scripting and the fundamentals of object oriented programming.
  • Good knowledge and understanding of some of the main Unity API classes and C# system classes.
  • The willingness to look up anything you are not familiar with in the Unity scripting manual or C# resources online.
  • Install the free Unity 3D game engine software and Visual Studio Community Edition.
  • Install the free SourceTree git client to help follow along with the provided completed Unity project and the branches that correspond to completed lectures.

Target audience

  • Intermediate Unity Developers who want to extend their skills and knowledge using a full project based course.
  • Existing Unity developers who are fans of Enter The Gungeon or The Binding Of Issac and want to build their own 2D Roguelike dungeon shooter.
  • A Unity developer who has previously built some prototypes or games and wants a challenging project course to level up their skills.

Make Your First 2D Game with Unity & C# - Beginner Course

 in stock
as of July 16, 2024 9:56 pm

Beginner Course to Game Development : Learn how to use Unity and Program in C# by Making a Small 2D Game from A to Z.

Created by: Noa Calice (aka Blackthornprod)
Indie game developer / Educator / Youtuber
Rating:4.79 (2377reviews)     7512students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Learn the C# fundamentals.
  • Solve fun programming challenges.
  • Learn the core features of the Unity game engine.
  • Create a simple game in Unity from A to Z.
  • Make game art and animations.
  • Make simple UI and add sounds and music to your game.


  • Have a PC or MAC
  • (Optional) Have a drawing tablet to make art for your game. If not you can make pixel art with your mouse, download the project files or use simple geometric shapes.

Target audience

  • Absolute beginner wanting to learn how to make games with Unity.
  • Or a beginner who already knows a little about game development, but who wants to acquire a stronger understanding of the C# fundamentals and what it takes to make a whole game from A to Z using Unity.

Game Development/Art - Create a 2D Action Game with Unity/C#

 in stock
as of July 16, 2024 9:56 pm

Game development & Game art/animation. Create a 2D top down shooter using Unity 2018, C# and Ps/Gimp.

Created by: Noa Calice (aka Blackthornprod)
Indie game developer / Educator / Youtuber
Rating:4.72 (2359reviews)     11477students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Learn how to sketch and paint 2D game characters.
  • Create awesome 2D game animations using Unity.
  • Make a player character that can move around an environment and shoot projectiles.
  • Program some cool AI behaviors for various enemy game characters using C#.
  • Code a customizable enemy wave spawner.
  • Make a multi staged boss fight using state machine behaviors.
  • Make multiple weapons and power ups.
  • Learn how to make great main menus and responsive UI.
  • Create epic particle systems and sound effects.
  • Be able to make an entire game from A to Z using Unity, C# and some 2D application like Ps or Gimp. And then publish that finished product on Itch io, Newgrounds or Gamejolt.


  • Have Unity and some 2D application like Ps, Gimp, SketchPad or MS Paint installed on your computer.
  • Before starting this course you should understand the basics of Unity. Like saving scenes, navigating the interface, using the three basic manipulation tools (Translate, Rotate and Scale), create prefabs and add and modify components inside of the inspector.
  • You should have a strong understanding of the basics of C#, such as creating variables, modifying those and calling functions.
  • Have a strong desire to learn, have fun and create awesome games !

Target audience

  • A beginner/intermediate game developer interested in learning how to create a fun, commercial quality 2D action game from A to Z using Unity and C#.
  • This course is also for those curious about programming AI using C#.
  • Someone wanting to learn how to draw and animate 2D game characters using a 2D application like Ps or Gimp and Unity.
  • This course is NOT for complete beginners having never touched Unity or C#. You should have understood the basics of both Unity and C# if you wish to properly follow along and get the most out of this course.

Learn To Code By Making a 2D Platformer in Unity & C#

 in stock
as of July 16, 2024 9:56 pm

Game development made easy. Learn C# with Unity and create your very own 2D Platformer!

Created by: James Doyle
Teaching The Basics of Making Games
Rating:4.62 (1382reviews)     6682students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Learn C#, a modern versatile programming language.
  • Understand the capabilities of 2D development in Unity.
  • Develop strong and transferrable problem solving skills.
  • Gain an understanding of the game development process.
  • Learn how object oriented programming works in practice.


  • Mac or PC capable of running Unity 3D
  • A copy of Unity 2019.3 or newer

Target audience

  • Anyone who wants to make their own 2D games.
  • People who want to create and publish their own games.
  • Complete beginners with an interest in learning game development.
  • Developers who want to re-skill across to game development.
  • People interested in working in the game design industy.
  • Competent and confident with using a computer.

Learn how to create a 2D Idle Clicker Game in Unity

 in stock
as of July 16, 2024 9:56 pm

Learn how to create your first Idle Clicker Game in Unity using C#

Created by: Gianny Dantas
Desarrollador de Videojuegos y Artista 2D
Rating:4.54 (119reviews)     892students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Learn how to build an Idle Game
  • learn how to create and structure clean code
  • Learn how to use Inheritance
  • Learn how to use Event
  • Learn how to use Scriptable Objects
  • Learn to create the most used tools in Idle type games


  • Experience using Unity
  • Experience programming with C#
  • Unity 2019.4
  • Desire to learn how to create video games
  • A passion and willingness to learn how to code.

Target audience

  • Beginner and Intermediate developers in Unity
  • Beginners with experience in Unity and writing C#
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to create cool games
  • Anyone who wants to create an Idle Game

Unity 2D Game Developer Course Farming RPG

 in stock
as of July 16, 2024 9:56 pm

Build the core systems for a 2D Farming RPG game using the Unity game engine and C# in this intermediate Unity course.

Created by: Rob Ager
Unity Developer
Rating:4.51 (762reviews)     7333students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Unity 2D Game Development For A Farming RPG to create the core systems for a Stardew Valley type game.
  • Intermediate level course will show you how to build a sophisticated game by creating complex Unity components using C# scripting.
  • 43 Hours of in depth tutorials and includes the full completed project with save points after every lecture.
  • Set-up the Player game object in a multi-level hierarchy, and implement movement and animations using events.
  • Use multiple tilemap layers to build game scenes which give a sense of depth.
  • Use Cinemachine to create a camera to follow the player and remain within the scene bounds.
  • Build comprehensive item and inventory systems using scriptable objects and prefabs.
  • Build an inventory bar UI that allows the player to pickup, drop and re-arrange items.
  • Implement a game time system and UI that generates time related events.
  • Create a scene manager that loads and unloads scenes as the player moves between them.
  • Use C# Interfaces to define the properties and methods gameobjects should implement to save their game state as the player moves between scenes.
  • Use hidden tilemaps to store grid properties, such as, where the player can drop items or dig.
  • Implement a variety of tools that the player can use, such as a hoe to dig ground and an axe to chop down trees.
  • Build an object pool to re-use objects.
  • Create a VFX Manager and build particle effects.
  • Implement a configurable and flexible crop system covering the planting, growing and harvesting of crops.
  • Create a Pause Menu that provides a full inventory management screen, save game and quit options.
  • Build sophisticated save and load game functionality that uses C# interfaces and binary serialisation.
  • Implement functionality to fully customise your game characters appearance.
  • Create sophisticated AStar pathfinding for the game NPCs and time based movement schedules.
  • Implement player sounds, ambient sounds, and game music.
  • Create a Day and Night lighting cycle for the game - using a lighting schedule configurable by season.


  • *** Please do not buy this course if you are an absolute beginner! This course doesn’t cover C# and Unity basics, for example, constructing animation clips from sprites and setting up basic animator controllers. The last thing I want is for you to be frustrated and leave a negative review because you don’t have the required basic knowledge to follow the lectures. This is an intermediate course and you need the required skills listed below. I of course would love you to enrol in the course, but if you don’t have these skills start with some beginner courses and then come back once you have built a few games and have a good level of knowledge of C# and Unity. ***
  • Intermediate Unity Development Skills - you should have built a few Unity prototypes or games before.
  • Good knowledge of the Unity editor, and how to use it's main features.
  • Good knowledge of C# scripting and the fundamentals of object oriented programming.
  • Good knowledge and understanding of some of the main Unity API classes and C# system classes.
  • The willingness to look up anything you are not familiar with in the Unity scripting manual or C# resources online.
  • Install the free Unity 3D game engine software and Visual Studio Community Edition.
  • Install the free SourceTree git client to help follow along with the provided completed Unity project and the branches that correspond to completed lectures.

Target audience

  • Intermediate Unity Developers who want to extend their skills and knowledge using a full project based course.
  • Existing Unity developers who are fans of Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon and want to build their own Farming RPG.
  • A Unity developer who has previously built some prototypes or games and wants a challenging project course to level up their skills.

Price Statistics

  • All prices mentioned above are in United States dollar.
  • This product is available at Udemy.
  • At you can purchase Learn how to create a 2D Idle Clicker Game in Unity for only $13.00
  • The lowest price of Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D was obtained on July 16, 2024 9:56 pm.

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