Best React.js Courses on Udemy.

10 Best React.js Courses on Udemy | Best React Courses on Udemy

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React.js is a JavaScript library that allows web developers to create interactive UIs. It’s the future of front-end development, and there’s no sign it’s slowing down anytime soon. There are many reasons why React is quickly becoming the go-to Javascript framework for web developers. React offers an architecture that is both intuitive and easy to learn with a wide variety of backends that can be used to render UI components on different platforms like Node, Rails, or mobile devices such as a smartphone or tablet. With its efficient performance and unique features, React has quickly become one of the top choices for front-end developers across all industries. Do you want to learn React.js? Check out these 10 best React.js courses on Udemy.

10 Best React.js Courses on Udemy - Best of Lot

React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)

$199.99  in stock
as of July 19, 2024 4:58 am

Dive in and learn React.js from scratch! Learn Reactjs, Hooks, Redux, React Routing, Animations, Next.js and way more!

Created by: Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Online Education
Created by: Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Professional Web Developer and Instructor
Rating:4.65 (136808reviews)     506218students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Build powerful, fast, user-friendly and reactive web apps
  • Provide amazing user experiences by leveraging the power of JavaScript with ease
  • Apply for high-paid jobs or work as a freelancer in one the most-demanded sectors you can find in web dev right now
  • Learn all about React Hooks and React Components


  • JavaScript + HTML + CSS fundamentals are absolutely required
  • You DON'T need to be a JavaScript expert to succeed in this course!
  • ES6+ JavaScript knowledge is beneficial but not a must-have
  • NO prior React or any other JS framework experience is required!

Target audience

  • Students who want to learn how to build reactive and fast web apps
  • Anyone who's interested in learning an extremely popular technology used by leading tech companies like Netflix
  • Students who want to take their web development skills to the next level and learn a future-proof technology

React Tutorial and Projects Course

$99.99  in stock
as of July 19, 2024 4:58 am

Step by Step Learn React.js and Create Interesting Projects

Created by: John Smilga
Rating:4.71 (3878reviews)     26824students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Make Great Projects Using React


  • Strong Knowledge of HTML, CSS, JS is Required. ES6 is optional.

Target audience

  • Everyone who wants to learn React

React JS Web Development - The Essentials Bootcamp

$94.99  in stock
as of July 19, 2024 4:58 am

Bootcamp on the React.js essentials. Gain a strong foundation of the core concepts, and build exciting and useful apps!

Created by: David Joseph Katz
Software Engineer
Rating:4.47 (5096reviews)     66574students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Learn React the right and learn best practices.
  • Dive into the React engine, and learn how it works under the hood.
  • See how React fits in the big picture of web development.
  • Learn how to build applications from scratch.
  • Cover the crucial concepts of bundling and transpiling, and create frontend application build systems.


  • Familiarity with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS will help.

Target audience

  • All levels welcome. However this won’t introduce coding from the ground up, so this might feel fast-paced for completely new students.
  • Anyone who wants a bootcamp to learn the essentials of React development.
  • Those looking for career opportunity in the exciting field of frontend web development.

The Complete React Js & Redux Course - Build Modern Web Apps

$89.99  in stock
as of July 19, 2024 4:58 am

Go from Beginner to React Js Expert by building an Instagram Like Web App with React 16, React Router, Redux & Firebase!

Created by: Codestars by Rob Percival
Teaching the Next Generation of Coders
Created by: Rayan Slim
Created by: Rob Percival
Web Developer And Teacher
Created by: Jad Slim
Rating:4.51 (2896reviews)     13607students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Learn the modern way of building web applications
  • Master React's Compositional Model
  • Build an Instagram-like Web App from the ground up!
  • Build Interactive Web Pages with self-contained Components
  • Manage your Application's Data with Redux
  • Get web development jobs on freelancer sites


  • No web development experience required. This course is designed to take students with no programming/web development experience to accomplished React developers.

Target audience

  • Web Developers
  • Front-End Developers

Implement High Fidelity Designs with Material-UI and ReactJS

$79.99  in stock
as of July 19, 2024 4:58 am

Bridge the gap between Design & Development! Break down detailed designs and bring them to life with Material-UI/React.

Created by: Zachary Reece
Software Entrepreneur
Rating:4.42 (1899reviews)     11986students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Create beautifully designed production applications from scratch with Material-UI
  • Build applications that look perfect on every screen with Material-UI's responsive design system
  • Refine UX/UI design intuition and see concepts in action
  • Search Engine Optimization in React JS
  • Migrate from create-react-app to Next JS
  • Use serverless functions with Firebase
  • Export and efficiently integrate animations with react-lottie
  • Collect data and track events with Google Analytics in React JS
  • Ensure cross-browser support with your styles in Material-UI
  • Deploy production Material-UI/React JS applications


  • Be comfortable with React JS -- this is an intermediate level course!
  • Mac or Windows Computer

Target audience

  • React developers looking to bridge the gap between design and development.
  • React developers who feel like they know React but still have more to learn before building a polished website.
  • React developers who have great designs but have struggled on perfectly implementing them in practice.
  • React developers who want to be able to build any website design that's handed to them.
  • React developers who want to master responsive design
  • React developers looking for a better understanding of UX/UI design principles
  • React developers looking for an easier, faster way to get up and running with clean, consistently designed applications

The Ultimate React Js Responsive Portfolio Website

$19.99  in stock
as of July 19, 2024 4:58 am

Build A Real World Responsive Portfolio Website With Email Functionality using React js, Bootstrap, Rxjs and NodeJS.

Created by: Ehizeex Okwuose
Software Development Teacher, Developer, Entrepreneur
Rating:4.55 (146reviews)     590students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • React Hooks (basics)
  • Bootstrap (basics)
  • Mobile Friendly Development (Mobile Responsiveness)
  • How to deploy project to Heroku
  • Push Source code to GitHub
  • Node mailer (how to implement email functionality using NodeMailer)
  • React Type Effect using React Typical
  • Smooth Scrolling
  • RxJs
  • Fade In Animation
  • Downloadable file (pdf)
  • React Owl Carousel
  • React Toastify (basic)
  • Node Js and Express js (basic)
  • Professional Web Design


  • To feel comfortable in the course you need to know Basic HTML & CSS and Basic Javascript (variables, objects, arrays, functions)
  • Welcome to this Mega Course - The Ultimate React Js Portfolio Website (Responsive) + Email Functionality
  • The Complete Source Code Will Be Given to You
  • Below are what the various topics you will learn:
  • React Hooks
  • Bootstrap
  • Node js (Basic)
  • Express Js(Basic)
  • Node Mailer
  • Rxjs Subject, Observable, Observer (Basic)
  • React Typical (Type Effect)
  • React Owl Carousel
  • React Toastify
  • Smooth Scrolling
  • Fade In Animation Effects
  • Deploey the Website on Heroku
  • Push the Source code to Github

Target audience

  • Beginner of Javascript, React, Bootstrap who want to learn how to build professional web apps
  • All the students who wants to create the responsive website design or development
  • Students who want to Creative Next Level Portfolio Website
  • Students who want to build Real world website design

React JS: Learn React JS From Scratch with Hands-On Projects

$74.99  in stock
as of July 19, 2024 4:58 am

Learn ReactJS from scratch with Router, Hooks and Context. Become React JS Web Developer and create React JS project

Created by: Oak Academy
Web & Mobile Development, IOS, Android, Ethical Hacking, IT
Rating:4.29 (268reviews)     3252students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Learn React JS
  • This course is the best way to learn React JS
  • Dive in ReactJS
  • Become React Developer
  • Learn how to build single page applications with React JS
  • Learn components, props, states and component life cycle methods in React JS
  • Create reusable React Components
  • Learn modern JavaScript, ES6
  • Learn to connect to an external React js API
  • React js User Inputs, Forms and Events in React
  • Routing with React Router
  • Using React Portals to render Children Outside the DOM Hierarchy
  • React is an essential Javascript framework for web development. It is the most popular framework for developing web, mobile, and desktop app user interfaces.
  • React is a front-end library in Javascript that was developed by Facebook.
  • The simplest definition of React is that it is a user interface library used for building UI components for the web.
  • React is an open-source JavaScript frontend library.
  • React developers consider it a frontend framework because it does more than standard libraries usually do.
  • The most common use of React is to build dynamic user interfaces for single-page web applications.
  • React encourages engineers to write code using a Functional Programming approach.
  • React is worth learning. There are a couple of reasons. The first one is that React is in high demand in the software development job market and has been for a
  • Every technology or programming language has a learning curve, and React is no different.
  • React, or React JS, is a front-end Javascript library for building UI components for the web.
  • React Native is still React, which means the syntax and workflow for building applications are basically the same, but the generated components are different
  • React Native is a framework for building native mobile applications for both the Android phone and Apple's iPhone.
  • There are many reasons why React is popular. One reason is that Facebook developed it.
  • Some web developers will obtain a degree or certification in the field. However, most jobs don't require a specific degree or level of education
  • good web developers never stop learning. A better question might be, "What can I do to become a better web developer faster?" The answer is practice


  • No prior knowledge is required about React or Reactjs!
  • A Windows PC, Mac or Linux Computer
  • JavaScript + HTML + CSS fundamentals are absolutely required but you don’t need to be an React, or React js expert
  • Es6 knowledge would be beneficial but not required
  • Desire to learn React
  • Desire to learn React Js
  • Desire to learn Reactjs
  • Desire to learn React from scratch
  • Desire to build react js project ( real world react projects)
  • Desire to become React developer or React Js Developer
  • Desire to learn everything you need to know about React or React js
  • Desire to learn web development and become a web developer
  • Desire to learn react js with router, hooks and context
  • Nothing else! It’s just you, your computer and your ambition to get started today

Target audience

  • Beginners who wants to be React developer
  • Anyone who wants to become an Reactjs Developer
  • Anyone who wants to build amazing React single page web applications
  • Anyone who wants to learn React JS
  • This react js course is perfect for someone who has little knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We are not saying that you need to be expert of JavaScript but little concepts like Loops and functions should be familiar to you. If you know ES6 that’s great, if not, don’t worry, ES6 is also covered in this course.
  • Students who want to learn how to build fast single page web apps with react
  • Anyone interested in learning an extremely popular technology(react or react js) used by leading tech companies like Facebook, Instagram and Netflix
  • Students who want to take their web development skills to the next level and learn a future-proof technology
  • Also, if you are looking to move in React-Native App development, it would be great for starting with React Js. Once you are familiar with concepts like JSX, props and states, same concepts are applied in React Native too. And moving into React Native would be so easy
  • Anyone planning a job transformation and wants to become a React developer
  • React, or React JS, is a front-end Javascript library for building UI components for the web.
  • React Native is still React, which means the syntax and workflow for building applications are basically the same, but the generated components are different.
  • People who want to become react developer
  • People who want to become advanced react js developer
  • People who want to learn react or react js from scratch
  • People who want to become react developer
  • People who want to become frontend developer with react or reactjs
  • People who want to become a web developer (or front end developer) with using react js
  • The more time you spend developing your skills, the faster you can become a web developer

React JS - Mastering Redux

$64.99  in stock
as of July 19, 2024 4:58 am

Build the React JS and Redux apps of your dreams! Learn JavaScript, ES6, APIs, and Full Web App Development in ReactJS!

Created by: David Joseph Katz
Software Engineer
Rating:4.41 (1368reviews)     12750students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Build entire ReactJS and Redux applications from scratch.
  • Develop apps that deal with APIs and web requests.
  • Understand how to develop Redux apps with actions, reducers, and the Redux store.
  • Create Web Apps that use advanced redux mechanics like asynchronous actions and redux middleware.
  • Use ES6 and advanced JavaScript techniques to more efficiently code.
  • Use animations to create compelling User Interfaces and Experiences.
  • Add external libraries to React projects like react-bootstrap, react-router-dom, and more.
  • Build multi-page applications with dynamic routes and links.


  • Students who have some JavaScript experience will be most comfortable.

Target audience

  • The perfect student knows some JS, HTML, and CSS, but hopes to learn a new web development framework to significantly boost their skills.
  • All levels of coding. However this won’t introduce coding from the ground up, so complete beginners might find it fast-paced.
  • Experienced developers and engineers will find this course perfect for brushing up on ReactJS and Redux and web development.
  • Anyone who wants to add ReactJS and Redux to their resume and set of skills should take this course!

The Complete ReactJs Course - Basics to Advanced (2021)

$44.99  in stock
as of July 19, 2024 4:58 am

Learn React JS from scratch with hands-on practice assignments and projects.

Created by: EdYoda Digital University
Visit us at
Created by: Qaifi Khan
Learning Enabler
Created by: Mavludin Abdulkadirov
Rating:4.26 (2259reviews)     203052students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Introduction to what is React and its basic concepts
  • Learn what is JSX and how it works behind the scenes
  • Learn what are the stateful and stateless components and when to use them
  • Working with function based and class based components
  • Working with React Modules, importing and exporting the modules
  • Learn in detail about how the render method works
  • React component lifecycle and different lifecycle methods
  • Creating dynamic websites with help of re-usable components
  • Creating a proper working structure for a project from scratch which will help maintaining the project for long term


  • Good understanding of HTML5, CSS3
  • A good knowledge of Javascript and Modern Javascript - ES6

Target audience

  • Beginners who just started to work in web development field
  • Beginner web developers who want to learn React JS web framework
  • Developers who have basic knowledge of Javascript and want to add React JS in their skill set
  • Web Developers who want to learn React JS from scratch and want to get promotions in their job
  • Professionals, already working with other web frameworks like Angular or Vue and want to learn React JS
  • Frontend Web Developers who wish to change their working technology domain by learning React JS

Complete React Hooks Course 2021: A - Z ( Scratch to React )

$69.99  in stock
as of July 19, 2024 4:58 am

React JS Hooks way ( Latest & Comprehensive) : Redux , React Router, Testing with Jest, Build Component Library

Created by: Hemil Patel
Front-End UI Developer, Architect
Rating:4.54 (1095reviews)     5244students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • React Hooks from scratch
  • Learn React Hooks way
  • React Hooks advanced level


  • JavaScript knowledge needed

Target audience

  • Beginner React developers
  • React Developers moving to latest version of React

Our Recommendation

The Complete React Js & Redux Course - Build Modern Web Apps

$15 $84.99
React has rapidly become one of the most powerful tools for building Web Applications. Top sites using React include Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, Airbnb, and more!

FAQs on React.js

What is react.js and why it is needed for web application development?

React is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It helps in building reusable components (reusable components can be used across different views), and creating applications with a scalable codebase.

What are the pros of writing React code?

The main advantage of using react is that you get all the power of an MVC (model-view-controller) in web development, and it lets you develop rich client-side applications with improved frontend performance, faster load time, and better scalability compared to pure HTML or vanilla JS AJAX implementations – but the same code can be used both for the frontend and back-end.

What are the most commonly used React components?

In react, you can use many components for its frontend including notifications, input fields, navigation buttons, table formats, button formats, etc.