Check if Directory Exists in Groovy

Check if Directory Exists in Groovy

  • Groovy
  • 1 min read

To check if a directory exists in Groovy, you can use the File class and its exists() method, like this:

Check if Directory Exists in Groovy Examples

File dir = new File('/path/to/dir')
if (dir.exists()) {
  // do something
  println('Directory exists')

In this example, the File object is created with the path to the directory you want to check. The exists() method is then called on the File object, and the result is used in an if statement to check if the directory exists. If the directory exists, the code inside the if block will be executed.

Here is another example that shows how to check if a directory exists and create it if it doesn't:

File dir = new File('/path/to/dir')
if (!dir.exists()) {

In this example, the File object is created with the path to the directory you want to check. The exists() method is then called on the File object and negated with the ! operator. If the directory does not exist, the mkdirs() method is called on the File object to create the directory and any necessary parent directories.


  1. Check if File Exists in Groovy