How to Check if Package is Installed in Julia?

How to Check if Package is Installed in Julia?

  • Julia
  • 1 min read

To check if a package is installed in Julia, you can use the Pkg.dependencies function, which returns a dictionary of installed packages and their versions. You can then use the in keyword to check if a specific package is in the dictionary.

Check if Package is Installed in Julia Examples

For example, to check if the LinearAlgebra package is installed, you could use the following code:

# Check if the LinearAlgebra package is installed
if "LinearAlgebra" in keys(Pkg.dependencies())
    println("The LinearAlgebra package is installed.")
    println("The LinearAlgebra package is not installed.")

Here is the output of this code:

The LinearAlgebra package is installed.

These are just a few examples of how to check if a package is installed in Julia. For more information, I would recommend checking out the documentation for the Pkg module.
