Rust: Check if a string is a number

Rust: Check if a string is a number

  • rust
  • 3 mins read


In programming, it is often necessary to validate user input or data before performing any operations on it. One common validation task is checking if a given string is a number. In this tutorial, we will explore different techniques for checking if a string is a number in Rust. Rust is a systems programming language that is designed to be fast and safe, making it an ideal choice for handling sensitive data. We will take a look at using the parse() method and regular expressions to check if a string is a number in Rust. This tutorial will provide examples and explanations to help you understand how to implement these techniques in your own projects. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Rust developer, this tutorial will help you improve your understanding of string validation in Rust.

Check if a string is a number in Rust Examples

Using the parse() Method

The parse() method can be used to convert a string to a number in Rust. However, before calling this method, it is a good idea to check if the string is a valid number.

fn main() {
    let my_string = "123";

    // Check if the string is a valid number
    if let Ok(num) = my_string.parse::<i32>() {
        println!("The string is a number: {}", num);
    } else {
        println!("The string is not a number.");

In this example, we first check if the my_string variable can be parsed to an i32 using the parse() method. The parse() method returns a Result object, which can be either Ok or Err. If the parse() method returns Ok, it means that the string is a valid number, and the number can be accessed using the unwrap() method. If the parse() method returns Err, it means that the string is not a valid number.


The string is a number: 123

Using Regular Expressions

Another way to check if a string is a number in Rust is by using regular expressions. The regex crate can be used to match regular expressions in Rust.

extern crate regex;
use regex::Regex;

fn main() {
    let my_string = "123";
    let re = Regex::new(r"^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$").unwrap();

    if re.is_match(my_string) {
        println!("The string is a number.");
    } else {
        println!("The string is not a number.");

In this example, we first create a new regular expression using the Regex::new() method. The regular expression ^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$ matches any string that starts with an optional minus sign, followed by one or more digits, and an optional decimal point and more digits. Then we use the is_match() method to check if the regular expression matches the string. If the regular expression matches the string, it means that the string is a valid number.


The string is a number.

In both examples, it's better to use Result and unwrap() to check the errors in the code and handle them properly.


Checking if a string is a number in Rust can be done using the parse() method or regular expressions. The parse() method is a more direct way to check if a string is a number, while regular expressions provide more flexibility in matching different types of numbers. It's recommended to use both methods to check for valid number and handle the errors properly.
