A programmer writing C++ multimap program.

C++ multimap Example

  • C++
  • 2 mins read

In this tutorial, we will see a C++ multimap example to find a value in a map with duplicate key values.

C++ Header Files for multimap Program

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>

multimap Initialization in C++

 multimap< string, long > contacts = {

	    { "V.Jegan", 2232342323  },
	    { "R.Meena", 3243435323  },
	    { "V.Nitesh",6234324323  },
	    { "S.Sriram",8932443221  },
	    { "V.Nitesh",5534327326  }


Finding a Key in multimap

auto pos  = contacts.find ( "V.Nitesh" );

Iterating in multimap

while ( pos != contacts.end() ) { 
	    cout << "\nMobile number of " << pos->first << " is " << pos->second << endl;

Complete C++ multimap Example

In the following example, it will find the key V.Nitesh and will print the contact number if found.

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

int main( ) {

    multimap< string, long > contacts = {

	    { "V.Jegan", 2232342323  },
	    { "R.Meena", 3243435323  },
	    { "V.Nitesh",6234324323  },
	    { "S.Sriram",8932443221  },
	    { "V.Nitesh",5534327326  }


    auto pos  = contacts.find ( "V.Nitesh" );
    int count = contacts.count( "V.Nitesh" );
    int index = 0;

    while ( pos != contacts.end() ) {
	    cout << "\nMobile number of " << pos->first << " is " << pos->second << endl;
	    if ( index == count ) 

    cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;

    pos = contacts.begin();

    while ( pos != contacts.end() ) { 
	    cout << "\nMobile number of " << pos->first << " is " << pos->second << endl;

    return 0;


Mobile number of V.Nitesh is 6234324323

Mobile number of V.Nitesh is 6234324323

Mobile number of R.Meena is 3243435323

Mobile number of S.Sriram is 8932443221

Mobile number of V.Jegan is 2232342323

Mobile number of V.Nitesh is 6234324323

Mobile number of V.Nitesh is 5534327326