Is it better to use CSS or SCSS?

Is it better to use CSS or SCSS?

  • CSS
  • 5 mins read


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and SCSS (Sass) are both stylesheet languages that are used to specify the formatting and layout of web pages. Both languages are used to apply styles to HTML elements, and they provide similar features and capabilities. However, there are some key differences between CSS and SCSS that you should be aware of if you are deciding which language to use for your web development project.

Syntax and organization

One of the main differences between CSS and SCSS is the way they are written and organized. CSS is a declarative language, which means that it uses a set of rules to describe how elements on a web page should be styled. The rules in a CSS stylesheet are written in a specific syntax, and they are applied to elements on a web page using a combination of selectors and properties.

SCSS, on the other hand, is an extension of CSS that adds additional features and capabilities to the language. SCSS is a scripting language, which means that it allows you to write code that can be executed by the Sass compiler to generate CSS stylesheets. This allows you to use features such as variables, mixins, functions, and loops in your SCSS code, which can make it easier to write and maintain complex stylesheets.

Structuring and organizing styles

Another key difference between CSS and SCSS is the way they are structured and organized. In CSS, stylesheets are typically written as a flat list of rules, with each rule applying styles to a specific set of elements on a web page. This can make it difficult to manage large stylesheets, as it can be hard to keep track of all the rules and ensure that they are applied consistently across the page.

SCSS, on the other hand, provides features such as nested rules and the ability to define and import partials, which allows you to structure and organize your styles in a more modular and hierarchical way. This makes it easier to maintain and manage large stylesheets, as you can organize your styles into logical groups and re-use common styles across your stylesheets.

processing and extension

Another key difference between CSS and SCSS is the use of preprocessing and extensions. CSS is a static language, which means that it does not support features such as variables, functions, or loops. This can make it difficult to write and maintain complex stylesheets, as you need to write each rule individually and manually update styles throughout your stylesheets.

SCSS, on the other hand, is a preprocessed language, which means that it is converted into CSS by a compiler before it is applied to a web page. This allows you to use features such as variables, functions, and loops in your SCSS code, which can make it easier to write and maintain complex stylesheets. It also allows you to use third-party extensions and libraries, such as Compass and Bourbon, to add additional features and capabilities to your stylesheets.

Compatibility and performance

Another factor to consider when choosing between CSS and SCSS is compatibility and performance. CSS stylesheets are applied directly to web pages, and they are supported by all modern web browsers. This means that you can use CSS stylesheets on any web page, and they will be applied consistently across all browsers.

SCSS stylesheets, on the other hand, need to be compiled into CSS before they can be applied to a web page. This means that you need to use a Sass compiler to generate CSS stylesheets from your SCSS code, and you need to ensure that the generated stylesheets are compatible with all the browsers that you want to support. In some cases, this can add extra steps to your development process and introduce potential compatibility issues.

Additionally, because SCSS stylesheets need to be compiled before they can be applied to a web page, they may not perform as well as CSS stylesheets in some situations. This is because the Sass compiler needs to process the SCSS code and generate CSS stylesheets, which can add extra processing time and overhead. In some cases, this can impact the performance of your web page, especially if you are using complex SCSS stylesheets.


Overall, CSS and SCSS are both stylesheet languages that are used to apply styles to HTML elements on a web page. Both languages provide similar features and capabilities, but there are some key differences between them that you should consider when deciding which language to use for your web development project. CSS is a declarative language that is applied directly to web pages, and it is supported by all modern web browsers. SCSS is an extension of CSS that adds additional features and capabilities, such as variables and functions, and it needs to be compiled into CSS before it can be applied to a web page.


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