Export DataFrame to Excel in Julia

Export DataFrame to Excel in Julia

  • Julia
  • 2 mins read

To export a dataframe to Excel in Julia, you can use the XLSX.writetable() function from the XLSX package. Here is an example:

Export DataFrame to Excel Example in Julia

using XLSX, DataFrames

# define the dataframe
df = DataFrame(A = [1, 2, 3], B = [4, 5, 6])

# write the dataframe to an Excel file
XLSX.writetable("/Users/Myname/Documents/df1.xlsx", collect(DataFrames.eachcol(df)), DataFrames.names(df))

In this example, we first import the XLSX and DataFrames modules, which provide the functions we need to write a dataframe to an Excel file. Then, we define a dataframe with two columns, A and B.


DataFrame data in Excel file.
DataFrame data in Excel file.

To write the dataframe to an Excel file, we use the XLSX.writetable() function and provide the following arguments:

  • The file path where the Excel file should be saved, e.g. "/Users/Myname/Documents/df1.xlsx"
  • The columns of the dataframe as an iterable collection, which we can obtain using the DataFrames.eachcol() function
  • The column names of the dataframe as an iterable collection, which we can obtain using the DataFrames.names() function

This will write the dataframe to the specified Excel file, using the column names as the first row and the column data as the subsequent rows. Note that this method does not allow you to specify any additional options, such as the sheet name or the range of cells to write to. If you want to customize the way the data is written to the Excel file, you can use the XLSX.writetable() function directly and specify the options as keyword arguments. For more information and a complete list of options, see the documentation for the XLSX.writetable() function.
