How Long Does It Take To Learn R Programming Language

How Long Does It Take To Learn R Programming Language

  • R
  • 5 mins read

Learning a programming language is quite similar to acquiring a new foreign language. In both cases, continuous learning and continuous practice is the only solution. In this programming world, R is immensely becoming more and more popular, especially in the fields of Data Analysis and Data Science. Due to its popularity and its best features, it made everyone get excited to learn R. But many of them may be a bit confused about how to learn R programming and how much time it takes to learn. Well, that is easily remedied with this blog. Check out this online R Course if you're preparing yourself for a career. You can learn from scratch to an advanced level of R programming.

When it comes to learning R, how long does it take?

R is a well-versed programming language that includes various concepts and packages to learn. So, Learning essential packages of the R programming language takes time and effort. Therefore, when you consider learning this programming language, make sure you take out some time each day to keep learning it.

Well, coming to the exact time that learning R programming consumes. It is hard to estimate how long it will take to learn the R programming language. It varies based on the expertise of a person. But generally, it takes a few weeks. For a beginner who hasn’t touched any programming, learning R could be tough, so it probably takes 3 particular weeks with 3 hours each day. If you already know the basics, then you can easily cope up within 1 week.

To make things easier, we'll divide the learning process into multiple levels. R Programming, like any other programming language, needs theoretical understanding as well as hands-on knowledge with real-world examples.

The best way to learn a programming language is to mark a goal of your expertise. So, that you keep learning until you reach that point where you feel you have gained the expertise. Let’s say, if your goal is developing your own program or solving a real-world problem, then you need to learn until you are confident enough to do it. 

The Learning Process of R

Without knowing where to start, learning R may be a real hassle. But don’t worry, we have got you covered. To make it simple and easy to learn R, let’s just divide the learning process into various steps.

As we have discussed earlier, the R programming language takes at least 3 weeks for a beginner. So let’s split our timetable for three weeks to learn R.

Week 1

In the initial week, install the R software first. And then start learning the basics. Take the advantage of online. You will find numerous tutorials to help you, such as R Tutorial. Learn the following concepts in the first week. 

  • Data Types:  character, numeric, integer, complex, and logical are the 5 data types you will learn in this topic.
  • Variables: What are variables and how to use them should be understood. 
  • Operators: You will learn what are operators and types of operators such as Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Assignment, Bitwise, Miscellaneous 
  • Functions: You will understand how functions accomplish the tasks for the interpreter. 
  • Control Flow: In control flow, you will learn how it works, how to evaluate code in it, and understand control flow tools. 
  • Packages: There are more than 10,000 packages available in R. So, Learn the most important packages such as ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, shiny, plotly, knitr, mlr3, XG boost.  

Week 2

This week, you can now start learning advanced concepts of R programming.  

  • Data Frames: In this topic, you will learn how data frames are helpful to store data tables. 
  • Typecasting: you must learn why we use typecasting and how it works. 
  • File Handling: This concept will give you an understanding of how to store data in a file using a program. 
  • Inbuilt Datasets: You will learn how to work with inbuilt datasets.  
  • Conditional Statements: here, you will learn what are conditional statements and how to use them. 
  • Loop Statements: you should be able to understand what loop statements are and how to apply them in R. 

With all the basic knowledge, it will be easy for you to cover these concepts. So, you should also practice how to create or add a subset/ data set.

Week 3

In this final week, get hands-on practice on concepts like data exploration, manipulation, and visualization. Try using the packages you have learned for data visualization. There are various data science projects or real-time projects you can work on. So pick the right one for you which amuses you. Personalize your learning according to it, and start solving. Create initiative solutions based on your passions. Apply everything you have learned till now. 

You can also pick a particular concept to improve your learning, such as Data Analysis, Data Science, Visualization of data, Machine learning, predictive modeling, Statistics, Dashboard Reports, etc. 

Bottom Line

This is my version of learning the R programming language. It may vary for you. However, if you plan to learn R programming, stick to it. Learning R programming is something you will never regret. An R programmer will have many opportunities to gain a decent and high-paying job. It increases your credibility and helps you advance in your career. So, don’t step back; keep learning. I hope you have got everything you are looking for. Happy reading!!

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