How to Add Autosave Extension to Brackets Editor?

How to Add Autosave Extension to Brackets Editor?

  • Blog
  • 1 min read

Autosave extension in Brackets editor helps to save every edit automatically, meaning you no need to save it using the commands. In this tutorial, I will show you how to add an Autosave extension to Brackets editor.

Follow These Steps to Add Autosave Extension to Brackets Editor

  1. Open the Brackets editor.
  2. Click on the Extension Manager icon on the right sidebar.
  3. Then search for autosave.
  4. Now select the Autosave Files on Window Blur extension by Marty Penner and click on the install button. All these steps illustrated in the below image:
Brackets Extension: Add autosave feature.
Image demonstrating the steps to install autosave extension for Brackets editor.

You have successfully installed the autosave extension for Brackets editor. You can now close the extension manager window.

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