How to Combine Strings in PHP?

How to Combine Strings in PHP?

  • PHP
  • 1 min read

PHP supports concatenation operator(. and .=), that is used to combine strings.

Here is an example for strings(here "welcome" and "to kolkata") combination using (.) operator:

$b="to kolkata";
echo $c;

Output: welcometo kolkata

Below is an example for strings combination using (.=) operator:

$b="to kolkata";
$b.=$a;//here $b.=$a means $b=$b.$a
echo $b;

Output: to kolkatawelcome

Here is a program to check where a string is a palindrome or not:

NB: A string is a palindrome if the string that reads the same backward as forwards, e.g., madam, using strcmp() function.

echo "The string is a palindrome";
echo "The string is not a palindrome";


Output: The string is a palindrome

See also: