How to Export Data from Oracle SQL Developer to Excel?

How to Export Data from Oracle SQL Developer to Excel?

Learn how to export data from Oracle SQL developer to Excel.

Follow These Steps to Export Data from Oracle SQL Developer to Excel

  1. In the connection navigator, expand the Table node and select the table for which you want to export the data.
  2. Right click on the selected table and choose the Export option from the drop-down menu. Then Export Wizard window will open (as shown in Figure 2.1).
  3. In the Export Wizard window, uncheck the Export DDL option if you don't want to export the DDL script for the table.
  4. In the Export Data section, select the Format Excel 2003+ (xlsx) from the drop-down menu.
  5. In the Data Worksheet Name, give the name for the worksheet (this is optional).
  6. In the File section, specify the file location and name, you can use the Browse button.
  7. Then click on the Next button and step second will appear.
  8. In this step, you can choose whether all columns or click on the pencil icon to choose specific columns.
  9. Click on Next button and in the third step, it will show you the export summary.
  10. Click on the Finish button and your data will be exported to the specified location.
export data from Oracle SQL developer to excel
Figure 2.1


To export Data From SQL query results in Oracle SQL Developer, just right click on the query result and choose the Export option and follow the steps from 4 to 6.

Version Used

Oracle SQL Developer 18.1

See also: