How to Generate Insert Script in Toad for Oracle?

How to Generate Insert Script in Toad for Oracle?

  • Toad
  • 1 min read

In Toad for Oracle, follow these steps to generate insert statements script.

Steps to Generate Insert Statements Script in Toad for Oracle

  1. Open Toad for Oracle and connect to the database.
  2. In SQL editor, type your SQL query for which you want to generate INSERT script, for example, Select * from EMP or Select EMPNO, ENAME, SAL from EMP where DEPTNO = 20 and then press Ctrl+Enter to execute.
  3. Then you will get the result in the data grid window below.
  4. Then do the right click in the data grid window and from the shortcut menu choose Export Dataset option.
  5. In the Export Dataset window, choose Insert Statements option from the Export Format drop-down.
  6. Specify the file name in the File field to get the output in a file, or you can choose output to the Clipboard too.
  7. There are a lot of other checkboxes to choose options for your insert statement script. Select it as per your requirement.
  8. Then click on the OK button to generate the Insert statements script.

See also: