How to Suppress Error Message in Oracle Forms?

How to Suppress Error Message in Oracle Forms?

  • Below I am giving two examples to suppress the error messages in Oracle Forms, the first example is to suppress all the error messages and the second example is to suppress all the error messages but handle a specific error and give a custom message in Oracle Forms.

    Suppress all The Error Messages in Oracle Forms

    Write an ON-ERROR trigger at form level as shown below:

       /* it will simply do nothing on any error.*/

    Ignore All Error Message But Handle FRM-40202 (Field must be entered.)

    Write an ON-ERROR trigger at form level as shown below:

       error_item varchar2(50);
       curr_item_label varchar2(100);
       error_item := :system.trigger_item;
       if error_type = 'FRM' and error_code = 40202 then
          message(curr_item_label || ' cannot be left blank.');
          raise form_trigger_failure;
          -- ignore other errors
       end if; 

    See also:

    • Know How And When To Use System.Message_Level To Control Messages In Oracle Forms
    • Writing On-Error Trigger In Oracle Forms
    • An Example of On-Error Trigger in Oracle Forms