Should I learn CSS before learning JavaScript?

Should I Learn CSS Before Learning Javascript?

  • CSS
  • 3 mins read

Before learning Javascript, it’s a good idea to know some CSS to give you a solid footing before diving into something as daunting as learning new programming languages. On the other hand, learning some CSS before starting your first coding class is not a great idea because of how different they are and because there are already so many resources out there that teach everything in great detail. In this article, we explained whether one should learn CSS before learning JavaScript or not.

What is CSS?

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language that makes it easier for web developers to design and layout their websites. It also gives users more control over the website’s appearance.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language with a prototype-based inheritance model that has primarily been used to enhance the client-side of a web page. It is also commonly known as ECMAScript, and it has been standardized by Ecma International.

Should I Learn CSS before JavaScript?

Both JavaScript and CSS are popular languages for web development. Learning CSS before JS is a good idea because of how different they are and because there are already so many resources out there that teach everything in great detail. It is best to start with CSS before learning JavaScript. Because in JavaScript, you will learn to manipulate CSS and DOM objects. So it is better to have prior knowledge of CSS.

CSS Learning Advantages

CSS has a much higher rate of return on investment (ROI) than Javascript. This makes it a great idea for those who are just starting out with their first coding class. The biggest advantage to learning CSS before learning Javascript is that you will good understanding of the DOM objects. If you’re already familiar with CSS, then you will be able to skip over the basics of how to set up your project and jump right into developing your own HTML and CSS code faster.

Best CSS Courses

The best course for learning CSS is the one that works for you. There are many courses out there that offer a more comprehensive introduction to CSS, but these courses may not be the best fit for everyone.

Final Words

Learning CSS before learning Javascript is a great idea because It's best to start with something simpler and more digestible than learning both at the same time.