How to Load JSON String into a Dataframe in Julia?

How to Load JSON String into a Dataframe in Julia?

  • Julia
  • 3 mins read

To load a JSON string into a dataframe in Julia, you can use the JSON package and the JSON.parse function. Here's an example of how to do it:

Loading JSON String into a DataFrame in Julia Examples

using JSON

# Load the JSON string into a variable
json_string = """
  "A": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
  "B": [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

# Parse the JSON string into a dictionary
data = JSON.parse(json_string)

# Convert the dictionary into a dataframe
df = DataFrame(data)

# Print the resulting dataframe

The using JSON statement imports the JSON package, which provides functions for parsing and serializing JSON data.

The json_string variable is a string containing a JSON object with two fields: A and B, both of which are arrays of integers.

The JSON.parse function is used to parse the JSON string into a Julia dictionary. The dictionary has two keys, "A" and "B", each of which maps to an array of integers.

The DataFrame constructor is used to create a dataframe from the dictionary. The resulting dataframe has two columns, A and B, each containing the values from the corresponding array in the dictionary.

Finally, the println function is used to print the dataframe to the console. The output will show the contents of the dataframe as a table.

The output of this code will be:

5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ A    B   
     │ Any  Any 
   1 │ 1    6
   2 │ 2    7
   3 │ 3    8
   4 │ 4    9
   5 │ 5    10

Here's another example of how to load a JSON string into a dataframe in Julia:

using JSON, DataFrames

# Load the JSON string into a variable
json_string = """
  { "name": "Alice", "age": 30 },
  { "name": "Bob", "age": 35 },
  { "name": "Charlie", "age": 40 }

# Parse the JSON string into a dictionary
data = JSON.parse(json_string)

# Convert the dictionary into a dataframe
df = DataFrame(data)

# Print the resulting dataframe

The using JSON, DataFrames statement imports the JSON and DataFrames packages. The JSON package provides functions for parsing and serializing JSON data, while the DataFrames package provides functions for working with tabular data in Julia.

The json_string variable is a string containing a JSON array of objects, each with a name and age field.

The JSON.parse function is used to parse the JSON string into a Julia dictionary. The dictionary is an array of objects, each with a name and age field.

The DataFrame constructor is used to create a dataframe from the dictionary. The resulting dataframe has two columns, name and age, each containing the values from the corresponding fields in the objects in the array.

Finally, the println function is used to print the dataframe to the console. The output will show the contents of the dataframe as a table.

The output of this code will be:

3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ name     age   
     │ String   Int64 
   1 │ Alice       30
   2 │ Bob         35
   3 │ Charlie     40
