How to resolve NameError: name 'nltk' is not defined in Python?

How to resolve NameError: name 'nltk' is not defined in Python?


The Natural Language Toolkit (nltk) is a popular library for natural language processing in Python. However, if you receive a "NameError: name 'nltk' is not defined" or "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nltk'" error when trying to import nltk, it means that the library is not installed on your system.

Resolve: NameError: name 'nltk' is not defined in Python

To resolve this error, you need to install the NLTK library and there are two ways to install the NLTK library: using pip or using Anaconda.

Method 1: Installing NLTK using pip

  1. Open the command prompt or terminal on your system.
  2. Type the following command and press enter:
pip install nltk
  1. Wait for the installation to complete.

Method 2: Installing NLTK using Anaconda

  1. Open the Anaconda Prompt on your system.
  2. Type the following command and press enter:
conda install -c anaconda nltk
  1. Wait for the installation to complete.

Testing the Installation

After installation, you can test if NLTK is properly installed by running the following commands in your Python environment:

import nltk


import nltk library in Python.

If the commands execute without any errors and returns the version number, NLTK is installed and ready to use.


If you encounter the "NameError: name 'nltk' is not defined" or "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nltk'" error in Python, you can resolve it by installing the NLTK library using pip or Anaconda. Once the installation is complete, you can test it by importing the library and checking its version.


What is the "NameError: name 'nltk' is not defined" error?

This error occurs when the NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) library is not installed on your system, and you are trying to import it in your Python code.

How can I install the NLTK library?

You can install NLTK using pip by running the command "pip install nltk" in the command prompt or terminal. Alternatively, you can use Anaconda by running the command "conda install -c anaconda nltk" in the Anaconda Prompt.

How can I check if the NLTK library is properly installed?

After installation, you can test if NLTK is properly installed by running the following commands in your Python environment: "import nltk" and "print(nltk.version)". If the commands execute without any errors, NLTK is installed and ready to use.