5 Network Security Test Tools: A Comprehensive Guide

5 Network Security Test Tools: A Comprehensive Guide

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  • 6 mins read

Network security is of utmost importance in the digital age. Hackers are always inventing new methods to take advantage of network vulnerabilities, therefore it's critical that company owners protect themselves. Using network security testing tools is one approach to accomplish this. These tools allow you to scan your network for vulnerabilities and identify weak points that could be exploited by hackers.

In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the benefits of network security testing and provide an overview of some of the most popular network security test tools on the market.

What Exactly is Network Security Testing?

Network security testing is the process of assessing the security of a network or networked system. It's possible to manually perform it, but it's also possible to use specialized equipment. Network security checks are meant to reveal vulnerabilities that attackers may use. They can also help identify weak points in a network's defenses that need to be strengthened.

There are several different methods and techniques for network security testing. Some of the most common include vulnerability scanning, ethical hacking, password cracking, and penetration testing.

5 Network Security Test Tools

  • Astra's Pentest
  • Intruder
  • Paessler PRTG
  • Burp Suite
  • Acunetix

10 Benefits of Network Security Testing:

There are numerous benefits of network security testing, both for businesses and individuals. Here are some of the most significant benefits:

  1. Helps to identify vulnerabilities in networks and systems before they can be exploited by attackers
  2. Allows businesses to fix weak points in their network security before hackers can take advantage of them
  3. Provides peace of mind by helping businesses ensure that their network is secure from potential threats
  4. Gives firms the opportunity to assess the efficacy of their existing security procedures
  5. Helps businesses improve their overall security posture
  6. Aids in the development of more effective security policies and procedures
  7. Network security tests can assist in preventing a data breach or other cyber assault
  8. Assists firms in following industry rules and standards, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  9. It can raise an organization's overall security posture and make it less appealing to potential attackers
  10. Makes it simpler to identify and repair network system vulnerabilities before they can be used.

Techniques for Testing Network Security

There are several different techniques that can be used for network security testing. The most suitable strategy will be determined by the organization's specific requirements.

  • Vulnerability Scanning

Vulnerability scanning is a type of assessment that uses automated tools to scan networks and systems for known vulnerabilities. This type of test can be used to identify both technical and organizational weaknesses in network security.

  • Ethical Hacking

This is when a person or group of people attempts to break into or wreak havoc on a system or network. This may help you detect whether illicit access and harmful assaults are likely.

  • Password Cracking

Password cracking is a type of security test that involves guessing or brute forcing passwords to gain access to network systems and data. Password cracking can be used to assess the strength of passwords and identify weak ones that could be easily guessed by attackers.

  • Penetration Testing

A penetration test is a security assessment carried out on a system or network to expose security flaws. The following devices are all exploited to determine the vulnerability: PCs, workstations, web applications, wireless terminals (endpoints), mobile devices, and network devices.

Network Security Test Tools in Detail

1. Astra's Pentest

Astra Security's Network Security Solution is a one-of-a-kind product from Astra Security, which performs a thorough security examination of your network and can help you discover and fix security flaws. It's a solution that aids in the identification of network security flaws and the closing of gaps.

Astra Pentest specializes in web applications, mobile apps, saas, APIs, cloud infrastructure (AWS/Azure/GCP), network devices (firewall, router, server, switch, printer), blockchain/smart contract and more VAPT.

Astra Pentest Suite offers features such as:

  1. A shiny bright dashboard that displays managed automated & manual pentesting
  2. Automated Vulnerability Scanning with Login Behind Scan (Google Chrome Extension)
  3. Progressive Web App (PWA) to access your dashboard on-the-go
  4. 3000+ tests scanning for CVEs in OWASP top 10, SANS 25
  5. Detailed Vulnerability Scanning & Reporting
  6. Streamlined remediation via integrations like GitLab, GitHub, Slack, & Jira
  7. Easy Risk-based Vulnerability Management
  8. Industry Recognized Verifiable VAPT Certificate

2. Intruder

Intruder offers enterprise-grade vulnerability scanning to any size business, thanks to its extensive library of automated security checks. Misconfigurations, missing patches, and frequent web application problems such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting are all represented in its security checks.

The intruder is a vulnerability assessment and management solution that ensures you focus on what matters most by relieving much of the work. It reduces stress for you because it prioritizes findings dependent on their surroundings as well as scanning your systems for the most recent flaws, so you don't have to.

3. Acunetix

Acunetix is a fantastic network security testing software that detects and reports over 50,000 known flaws and configurations in networks.

The program scans for open ports and running applications, examines the security of routers, firewalls, switches, and load balancers, validates weak passwords, DNS zone transfers that aren't secure, and misconfigured Proxy Servers that aren't protected by SSL/TLS cyphers.

It tries to make web and cloud collaboration easier by integrating with Acunetix Online. It adds a comprehensive perimeter network security assessment on top of the Acunetix web application examination.

4. Paessler PRTG

PRTG Network Monitor is an all-in-one network monitoring solution that is both advanced and capable of examining your whole IT infrastructure. This simple program has everything you need and there are no other plugins required.

The solution can be employed by organizations of any size. It may monitor all aspects of your IT infrastructure, such as devices, traffic, and applications.

5. Burp Suite

Burp Suite is a fantastic tool for web network security testing. It includes not only vulnerability scanning but also fully proxy capturing and command injection features. Burp UI is designed for working professionals, with built-in profiles that allow you to maintain your settings on a job-by-job basis. Enterprise professionals in charge of application security who want flexibility should utilize it.


Network security test tools are imperative for businesses of all sizes. They provide a comprehensive security checkup of your network that can help you find and fix security vulnerabilities before they result in a breach. With the right tool, you can streamline remediation, focus on what matters most, and ease stress while keeping your business secure.