This free online camel case converter tool helps to convert any text to camel case.

Type or paste the text below and click on the Convert button to convert the text to camel case.

Find Camel Case converted text below:

What is a Camel Case?

Camel case is a naming convention in which a phrase or compound word is written with no spaces or punctuation, and the first letter of each word (except the first word) is capitalized. This convention is often used in programming languages, where it is used to define the names of variables, functions, classes, and other programming constructs.

For example, in the camel case, the phrase "hello world" would be written as "helloWorld". This is because the first word, "hello", is not capitalized, but the second word, "world", is capitalized.

Camel case is often used in programming languages because it makes it easier to read and write compound words, and it helps to avoid naming conflicts by allowing multiple words to be combined into a single identifier.

How to use the Camel Case Converter tool?

  1. Paste or type the text in the first text area.
  2. Then click on the Convert button to convert the text to camel case.
  3. Then click on the Copy to Clipboard button to copy the converted text.


What is the purpose of the camel case?

Camel case is a naming convention used in programming languages to make compound words more readable and to avoid naming conflicts. It is often used for variables, functions, classes, and other programming constructs.

How is camel case different from other naming conventions?

Camel case is different from other naming conventions, such as snake case and kebab case, because it capitalizes the first letter of each word (except the first word) in a phrase or compound word. This makes it easier to read and write compound words, and it allows multiple words to be combined into a single identifier.

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