This online Kebab Case Converter tool converts the text to a kebab case. Kebab case is commonly used in programming languages such as JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, as well as in other contexts, such as in the naming of URLs, file names, and attributes.

Paste text or type below and click on the Convert button to convert the text into the kebab case.

Find Kebab Case converted text below

What is Kebab Case?

In the context of programming, kebab case (also known as lisp case, spinal case, or dash case) is a naming convention for variables, constants, and other named entities in which the words are separated by hyphens (-) and all the letters are written in lowercase.

For example, in the JavaScript programming language, a variable might be named using a kebab case like this:

const my-variable = 'foo';

In this example, the variable is named my-variable and the words are separated by hyphens. All the letters are written in lowercase, which is the convention for kebab case.

Kebab case is used to improve the readability and understandability of code, and to differentiate variables and constants from other named entities in the code. It can also help to prevent naming conflicts and other errors by ensuring that names are unique and consistent within a program.

Kebab case is often used in combination with other naming conventions, such as camel case or snake case, to provide additional clarity and consistency in the naming of variables, constants, and other named entities.

How to use the Kebab Case Converter tool?

  1. Paste or type the text in the first text area.
  2. Then click on the Convert button to convert the text to the kebab case.
  3. Then click on the Copy to Clipboard button to copy the converted text.


What are some other names for the kebab case?

Kebab case is also known as lisp case, spinal case, or dash case.

Why is the kebab case used in programming?

Kebab case is used in programming to improve the readability and understandability of code, and to differentiate variables and constants from other named entities in the code. It can also help to prevent naming conflicts and other errors by ensuring that names are unique and consistent within a program.

Related Tools:

  1. Constant Case Converter
  2. Title Case Converter