In Oracle PL/SQL, IF condition is used to perform a logical check on certain values. If the condition is TRUE or FALSE then executes the statements followed by that condition. In this blog post, I am giving an Oracle IF Condition example with it's syntax information.
IF boolean_condition THEN -- statements to execute ELSIF boolean_condition THEN -- statements to execute ELSE -- statements to execute END IF;
Oracle IF Condition Example
In the following example, the PL/SQL program will check the variable a value using IF Condition, that if it is NULL or is between 1 to 9 or is greater than 9 and then whichever the condition is true, will print on the screen.
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; DECLARE a NUMBER; BEGIN a := 10; IF a IS NULL THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('a is null.'); ELSIF a > 0 AND a < 10 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('a is between 1 to 9.'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('a is greater than 9.'); END IF; END; /
a is greater than 9. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.