PostgreSQL: Check if enum value exists.

Check if enum value exists in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, if you want to check if a specific enum value exists, you can query the pg_enum system catalog, which contains all the enum labels defined within the database. Below is a SQL query example that checks if an enum value exists within a specific enum type:

  SELECT 1 FROM pg_enum
  WHERE enumlabel = 'your_enum_value' AND
  enumtypid = (
    SELECT oid FROM pg_type WHERE typname = 'your_enum_type'

Replace your_enum_value with the value you're checking for and your_enum_type with the name of the enum type you're querying against.

Here's a breakdown of what the query does:

  • It selects 1 if a row is found in pg_enum where the enumlabel column matches the value you’re looking for.
  • It also checks that the enumtypid (the ID of the enum type) matches the type you’re querying against, which is found by looking up the oid in pg_type where the typname matches your enum type.
  • The EXISTS clause is then used to return a boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) depending on whether the subquery returns any row.

Make sure to have the necessary privileges to access the pg_catalog schema when running this query.

The example provided above gives you a quick overview of how to check for the existence of an enum value in PostgreSQL. If you found those steps straightforward and clear, you may be ready to apply this knowledge directly to your database.

However, if you're new to PostgreSQL or if you prefer a more detailed explanation with step-by-step guidance, don't worry—we've got you covered. Below, you'll find a beginner-friendly, detailed walkthrough that demystifies each part of the process, ensuring you have a solid understanding of every step. Let's dive into the details to ensure you're fully equipped to handle enums in your PostgreSQL database.

Check if enum value exists in PostgreSQL: Detailed Steps for Beginners

In this section, we'll break down each step required to check for an enum value's existence in greater detail. This approach is perfect for beginners or those who appreciate a bit more guidance. Follow along, and you'll be handling enums like a pro in no time.


Before proceeding, ensure that you have:

  • Access to a PostgreSQL database with appropriate privileges.
  • Knowledge of the specific enum type and value you wish to verify.

Step 1: Accessing the Database

Log in to your PostgreSQL database using your preferred client. This could be through the command line (psql), a GUI tool like PgAdmin, or any other database access tool that supports PostgreSQL.

Step 2: Formulating the Query to Check if enum value exists in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL stores information about enums in the pg_enum system catalog. To check if an enum value exists, you’ll perform a query that searches this catalog for the value in question.

Your query will need to:

  • Identify the correct enum type.
  • Check for the existence of the specific enum value.

Here is the template for the SQL query you will use:

  SELECT 1 FROM pg_enum
  WHERE enumlabel = 'your_enum_value'
  AND enumtypid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_type WHERE typname = 'your_enum_type')

Replace your_enum_value with the enum value you're checking for and your_enum_type with the name of the enum type.

Step 3: Executing the Query

With the query formulated, execute it against your database. The EXISTS function will return a boolean result: TRUE if the value exists, or FALSE if it does not.

For example, if you're checking for the existence of the value 'member' within an enum type named 'user_status', your query would look like this:

  SELECT 1 FROM pg_enum
  WHERE enumlabel = 'member'
  AND enumtypid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_type WHERE typname = 'user_status')

Run this query in your client. You'll receive a boolean response indicating whether the enum value exists.

Step 4: Interpreting the Results

  • If the result is TRUE, the enum value exists within the specified enum type.
  • If the result is FALSE, the enum value does not exist within the specified enum type.

You can now use this information to proceed with your application logic, such as conditionally inserting or updating data based on the presence of the enum value.

Step 5: Handling the Query Result in Your Application

When integrating this check into an application or script, you will typically use the result of this query to make decisions in your code. For example, you might prevent the addition of a new enum value if it already exists, or you might trigger a process to add a new enum value if it doesn’t exist.

Here is a pseudocode example of how you might use the query result:

if (queryResult is TRUE) {
  // The enum value exists
  // Perform the appropriate action, like skipping the insertion
} else {
  // The enum value does not exist
  // Perform the appropriate action, like adding the new enum value

Replace the comments with actual code that matches your application's logic.

See also: You Must Install at Least One postgresql-client Error


By following these steps, you've successfully checked for the existence of an enum value in PostgreSQL. This operation is essential for maintaining data integrity and ensuring that your database operations behave as expected when working with enumerated types.