Python Program to Print Fibonacci Series

Python Program to Print Fibonacci Series

  • Python
  • 2 mins read

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a Python program to print the Fibonacci series with an example and a detailed explanation.

Python Program to Print Fibonacci Series Example

n_series = int(input("How many series? "))

n1, n2 = 0, 1
count = 0

if n_series <= 0:
   print("Please key-in a positive integer")

elif n_series == 1:
   print("Fibonacci series upto",n_series,":")

   print("Fibonacci series:")
   while count < n_series:
       nth = n1 + n2
       n1 = n2
       n2 = nth
       count += 1


  •  The code starts by asking the user how many series they want to calculate.
  •  If there are less than 10, then it will print a message saying "Please key in a positive integer."
  •  Otherwise, if there is one series or more, it will print out the Fibonacci numbers up to that number of Fibonacci numbers.
  •  The code starts by declaring two variables: n1 and n2.
  •  These are used for counting in each iteration of the loop.
  •  The variable count is used for keeping track of how many iterations have been done so far and what value has been calculated so far.
  •  The code is an example of how to create a Fibonacci series.
  •  The code starts by asking the user for the number of series they would like to create.
  •  If the user enters a value less than 0, then it will print "Please key in a positive integer."
  •  If the user enters 1, then it will print "Fibonacci series upto" followed by the inputted number and then prints n1.
  •  The code continues until the count reaches n_series.


The output of the above Python Fibonacci program would be as shown below:

How many series? 6
Fibonacci series:

I hope this tutorial helped you understand the Python program to print the Fibonacci series for a given number.

Read also:

  1. How to Split an Integer into Digits in Python?
  2. Remove all items from a Queue in Python
  3. Convert NaN to 0 in Python