Remove Spaces from Left in Oracle SQL

Remove Spaces from Left in Oracle SQL

  • SQL
  • 1 min read

To remove spaces from the left side of a string use the ltrim() function in Oracle SQL.

LTRIM() Syntax

ltrim(string, set)

The LTRIM() function deletes all the characters in set from the left end of the string. If set is not given, a single blank will be used.

Removing Spaces from Left of a String in Oracle SQL

The following Oracle SQL query removes the spaces from the left side of the string:

select ltrim(' this is the string.')
    from dual


this is a string.

To remove the specific characters from the left side of a string, check the below example:

select ltrim('**this is the string.', '*') 
   from dual


this is the string.

Using LTRIM() Function in PL/SQL

The following PL/SQL program removes the space from the left side of a string and prints on the screen:

v_string varchar2(100) := '   Oracle SQL';


Oracle SQL

See also: