Symmetric Matrix Example Using PHP

Symmetric Matrix Example Using PHP

  • PHP
  • 2 mins read

A symmetric matrix is a square matrix (same number of rows and columns) that is equal to its transpose. In this tutorial, I am giving a Symmetric Matrix example using the PHP program.

Symmetric Matrix Example Using PHP Program


Here is a PHP program, for checking where a matrix is symmetric or not:

echo "<b>The matrix is given below:-</b>"."<br>";
        echo $a[$i][$j]." ";
    echo "<br>";
echo "<b>The transpose of the matrix is given below:-</b><br>";
        echo $b[$i][$j]." ";
    echo "<br>";
    echo "Yes, the matrix is a symmetric matrix";
    echo "The matrix is not a symmetric matrix";


The matrix is given below:-
1 2 3 4 
5 6 7 8 
9 10 11 12 
13 14 15 16 
The transpose of the matrix is given below:-
1 5 9 13 
2 6 10 14 
3 7 11 15 
4 8 12 16 
The matrix is not a symmetric matrix

In this program firstly we have created a matrix and then displayed the transpose of that matrix. After that, we have checked between values of each array element of two matrices and used a variable $count. Here using a condition (here $count==$rows*$cols), we have displayed the message "The matrix is not a symmetric matrix".