Top 10 Programming Forums Every Developer Should Know

Top 10 Programming Forums Every Developer Should Know

  • Blog
  • 6 mins read

Every writer has writer's block, and every programmer experiences programmer's block now and then. So, to solve such issues, few developers have created a space where they can share their coding issues and solve each other problems. They call it "Programming Forums". Any programming forum's main purpose is to find new solutions and mutual support. Here we are going to take a quick overview of the top 10 programming forums that will be helpful for any developer. 

Top 10 Programming Forums

Programmers are discussing each other and on the forum.
Programmer's developing, discussing, and seeking help on forums.

#1 Stackoverflow

It is a popular website that its community has built for people to share and offer solutions to their technical problems. Therefore, this forum can reduce their efforts and time in finding solutions to their difficult queries. Its goal is to encourage people all across the globe to build technologies by sharing their knowledge.

Its public platform has millions of viewers that is why it is stood as the top 50 viewed sites on the planet. Stack Overflow, the company's information management, and communication product, is changing the way people work. Simply go to to become an expert in any aspect of computer programming

#2 Reddit 

Reddit is a community website and forum wherein users vote on material that is useful. Even though it is free, it is important to use the website's basic functions. Also, It is a site where people form communities. Some communities or subgroups on this page will focus on a certain topic.

For example, Cpp is a group of C++ programmers, Gamedev is a group of game developers, and learn programming is a group assigned for learning how to code. Visit this forum for this link. 

#3 OrclQA

OrclQA.Com is a developer-focused question and answer forum. It is famous for Oracle. This site is free, and this is the best place to share your queries and get answers from the top skilled developers. 

Here, you can help others by solving their development questions and queries. Also, you have the opportunity to write a solution, or you can solve the problem through a blog. Moreover, They reward you for your active involvement. This programming forum is just the right place to find solutions for your queries. Become a member of OrclQA from this website 

#4 Bytes

Bytes is a Python programming community that brings together hundreds of engineers to chat and debate on topics related to Python. The portal also has a number of engaging blog posts and discussion groups about other programming languages. This is a forum for software engineers, developers, and IT experts.

In addition, Software Engineering, Website Development, Testing, debugging are some of the subjects are included in this community. Click on this to directly visit the page. 

Let's move on to the next top programming forum in the list. 

#5 CodeGuru

CodeGuru is the most effective way to learn coding by communicating with experts. Their main goal is to teach programming to anyone who reaches them. They also provide a forum for the general viewers to explore programming and development. They cover nearly every aspect of programming languages such as C++, Visual C++, C#, .NET, and more.

Also, This forum has Microsoft Developers who can serve you in the development of Microsoft Windows applications. The link for this form is

#6 Digital Point

Digital Point form is for Ruby. This is the right place that can help you with the Ruby programming language. So many aides to this web hub to support fellow programmers in reducing the most difficulties. Register, ask a question, or give helpful hints and solutions in the comments section.

Every day, the global developer community and specialists rise. Everyone is searching for folks who are interested in learning more about Ruby. So, if you want to understand more about Ruby, go visit

#7 Programmer Heaven 

Programmers Heaven is a place where you may find the most up-to-date information on programming languages. Also, Over 374 hundred posts can help users with C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, Perl, Ruby, and a variety of other languages. Moreover, Career opportunities are also offered at Programmers Heaven. You can visit this page by clicking the link 

#8 Hot Scripts

It is one of the oldest and most prominent web scripts directories, with over two decades of service to the internet. The entries in Hot Scripts are largely recognized as trustworthy. Above all, there are around 40,000 entries in Hot Scripts, divided into 1200 categories.

Mostly, Webmasters, developers, company owners, developers, and coders come to this page. This web page helps them to build, upgrade or enhance their knowledge. Click on to post your queries on this website.  

#9 Go4Expert

Go4Expert is an online community of tech experts. This forum offers free aid and guidance on different topics such as ethical hacking, coding, engineering concepts, and many more. It not only gives answers, but it also has tutorials and blogs which will help you to understand and grasp the concepts quickly. Go to to communicate with such specialists.

#10 Windows Form

Programming and scripting in the Windows operating system are very helpful. So, If you're facing trouble with a project related to windows and need help then you must check out the Windows Forum. There are various discussions in this form that direct Windows versions, OS, hardware, software, tutorials, and other issues. This is very useful to developers of any skill level.

Also, This forum is active, functional, and provides the latest information on a regular basis. Hence, It includes a wide range of topics in Windows programming ensuring that everyone finds what they want. Beginners and professionals alike can benefit from this form. 

Bottom Line

Any programmer or developer might get into a situation where they find themself stuck. In such situations, fellow programmers are the ones who can help you through. Hence, For any novice, it is clearly the best choice to join the programming forums to explore and find solutions to their problems.

In short, It is a place where you can connect and communicate with skilled people from all over the world. Programming is a language that can only be learned from trying, practicing, and mainly communicating. So, try to interact with the experts through these forums and share your issues. Finally, you will become an expert in coding.