What are Validators in HTML?

What are Validators in HTML?

  • HTML
  • 2 mins read

Writing in a precise language can be tricky, and it is helpful to have some way to find out whether the things we are writing follow the rules. Fortunately, validator tools are available that will look at our webpage and tell us about the issues.

W3C is the standards body that develops standards for the World Wide Web. http://www.w3.org/ is their homepage. Their materials are official and authoritative.

W3C does not try to provide tutorials and guides for novices; instead caters to the detailed and precise needs of experts.

They provide two incredibly useful validators that we can use to find errors in our HTML code or CSS code.

HTML Validator

http://validator.w3.org/ is their validator for HTML code.

We can put this somewhere on our webpage to link to an HTML validator.

<a href=http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer>html5</a>

CSS Validator

We can put this somewhere on our webpage to link to a CSS validator.

<a href=http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer>css3</a>

JavaScript Validator

JavaScript is tough. It is a full-edged programming language, and because it is the main language on web pages, it is probably the most widely used programming language in the world.

Writing complicated pieces of JavaScript is far beyond the scope of this book. But it is good to know that there are validators who can look at our code and give us advice.

http://www.jslint.com/ is provided by Douglas Crockford, one of the original developers of JavaScript.
http://jshint.com/ is a competing validator provided by Anton Kovalyov, a computer programmer from San Francisco.

Related Tutorials:

  1. HTML Template Example
  2. HTML: 3 Ways to Make Text Bold in CSS
  3. JavaScript: On Close Tab Show Warning Message