Handling window.onload is not a function Error

Handling window.onload is not a function Error

The error window.onload is not a function in JavaScript occurs when you attempt to assign something other than a function to window.onload. The window.onload property is an event handler that should be set to a function, which will be called when the entire page (including all dependent resources such as images and stylesheets) is loaded.

window.onload is not a function Error Examples

Here's why this error might occur:

  1. Assigning a value that is not a function to window.onload.
  2. Overwriting window.onload with a non-function after it was initially set correctly.
  3. Attempting to call window.onload as a function when it's not set.

Examples of incorrect usage that would cause this error:

// Incorrect: Assigning a non-function value
window.onload = "some string";

// Incorrect: Overwriting with a non-function value
window.onload = function() {
  // Initial correct assignment
window.onload = "another string"; // Overwrites with a non-function

// Incorrect: Trying to call window.onload when it's undefined or not a function

How to resolve window.onload is not a function Error:

To resolve this error, ensure that you are assigning a function to window.onload and not overwriting it with a non-function value. When you want to add multiple load event listeners, use window.addEventListener('load', function) instead of directly setting window.onload.

Correct usage:

// Correct: Assigning a function
window.onload = function() {
  // Code to run when the window is fully loaded

// Alternatively, you can use addEventListener to add multiple listeners
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
  // Code to run when the window is fully loaded

If you need to add multiple functions to be called on window load, you can use addEventListener multiple times:

// Using addEventListener to add multiple load event listeners
window.addEventListener('load', functionOne);
window.addEventListener('load', functionTwo);

Using addEventListener is generally recommended because it allows you to add multiple listeners to the same event without overwriting previous ones.

For a more detailed tutorial on window.onload, please refer to the following guide to enhance your understanding:

Handling window.onload Correctly in JavaScript

In this tutorial, we'll delve into the window.onload property in JavaScript, which is pivotal for executing code after a web page has completely loaded. This event is crucial for any tasks that require all page elements to be fully loaded, such as DOM manipulations or initializing scripts that depend on external resources.

What is window.onload?

The window.onload event fires after the entire page, including all dependent resources like images and CSS, is fully loaded. It's a signal that the page is completely ready for JavaScript code to safely manipulate it.

The Mistake: Assigning Non-function Values to window.onload

One common mistake with window.onload is assigning it a value that is not a function or mistakenly setting it to the result of a function call instead of the function itself.

Incorrect Usage Example That Will Raise window.onload is not a function Error:

// A function that initializes certain features on the page
function initializeFeatures() {
  // Initialization code goes here

// Incorrect: Assigning a string to window.onload
window.onload = "initializeFeatures()";

// Incorrect: Assigning the result of a function (which is undefined) to window.onload
window.onload = initializeFeatures();

In the first incorrect example, we accidentally assigned a string to window.onload. In the second, we called initializeFeatures instead of passing it as a reference. Both mistakes will prevent initializeFeatures from running when the window fully loads.

Correct Usage: Assigning Function References

To avoid these issues, you should assign a function reference to window.onload. This means you provide the name of the function without calling it (no parentheses).

Correct Usage Example:

// A function that initializes certain features on the page
function initializeFeatures() {
  // Initialization code goes here

// Correct: Assigns the function itself to window.onload
window.onload = initializeFeatures;

In this correct example, initializeFeatures is provided as a reference, so the browser knows to call this function once the page is fully loaded.

Working with Multiple Functions

If you need to run several functions on page load, it's best to use window.addEventListener('load', callback) to avoid overwriting previous onload handlers.

Example with addEventListener:

// Two functions that need to run when the window loads
function initializeFeatures() {
  // Initialization code for features

function setupEventListeners() {
  // Code to set up event listeners

// Using addEventListener to add multiple event listeners
window.addEventListener('load', initializeFeatures);
window.addEventListener('load', setupEventListeners);

addEventListener allows you to stack multiple functions on the same event without overwriting them, which is especially useful for larger applications where different scripts may need to initialize independently.


Correctly using window.onload ensures that your JavaScript code executes at the right time. Remember to:

  • Assign a function reference, not a string or a function result, to window.onload.
  • Use addEventListener for adding multiple load event listeners.

With these practices, you can smoothly initialize your web applications and avoid common pitfalls associated with the window.onload event.