3 Easy Ways to Add Adsense Code to Blogger

Recently I started another blog howto-guides.com, and I bought the domain name from Google Domains and used Google Blogger as a blogging platform. Because everything was on Google, it was so easy to integrate with every Google product like Webmaster, Analytics and Adsense with just one click only. And when my new blog got approved by Google Adsense, then I was trying to add Adsense code, and I found the 3 easy ways to Add Adsense code to my Blogger blog, which are as follows.

Add Google Adsense Code to Blogger

Method 1

In Blogger, click on the Earnings tab and select the radio button Yes for Show ads on blog and then select your preferred Ad Setup type as shown in the below image and then click on the Save settings button. Now Adsense will automatically show the Ads on your blog on the appropriate places. But I didn't choose this method for my blog, because I wanted to display Ads on the areas I want, so I preferred the second method which is mentioned below.

Show auto ads on the blogger blog.

Method 2

In Blogger, click on the Earnings tab and choose No for Show Ads on blog option and click on the Save settings button. Now click on the Layout tab and click on the Add a Gadget link and select the Adsense option as shown in the below image. Then choose the Ad format and click on the Save button. You can repeat this to place the ad on the areas you want. After completing the setup, click on the Save arrangement button in the Layout that's all. Now if you will check the Earnings tab you will find the Show Ads on blog is set to Yes.

Add Adsense code to Blogger.

Method 3

In Blogger, click on the Earnings tab and choose No for Show Ads on blog option and click on the Save settings button. Now open your Google Adsense account on the browser and create an Ad and get the Ad code. Then return to Blogger and click on the Layout tab and click on the Add a Gadget link (on the place where you want to add) and select HTML/JavaScript option and paste the code you copied from Adsense. After completing the Ad setup in Layout, click on the Save arrangement button to save the changes.

See also:

Auto Send Mail Immediately after Publish a Blog Post