How to Change Blogger Profile Picture?

As Google is shutting down Google+ in April 2019, the bloggers will not be able to use their Google Plus profile with So you should switch to Blogger profile from Google+ profile. Today in this post, you will learn how to switch, edit and change your Blogger profile picture.

Steps to Change Blogger Profile Picture

  1. In Blogger, click on the Settings > User Settings.
  2. Then in the User Profile section, click on the Blogger button to switch your profile from Google+ to Blogger, as shown in the figure-1.
  3. Now click the Edit link under the Blogger to change the Blogger profile picture, and the Blogger profile edit page will open.
  4. There you can change your Blogger profile picture, name and lots of other information.
Change Blogger profile picture.

See also:

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  1. bruh


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