Bash Shell Test Operators Cheat Sheet

Bash Shell Test Operators Cheat Sheet

  • Linux
  • 1 min read

In Bash, when writing shell scripts then we need to use test operators to compare integer values, strings, and logical tests and file tests, etc. So here I am sharing the list of all bash shell operators in text and in picture format, which is downloadable.

Bash Shell Test Operators Cheat Sheet

Integer ComparisonsFunction
-gtGreater than
-ltLess than
-geGreater than or equal to
-leLess than or equal to
-eqEqual to
-neNot equal to
String ComparisonsFunctions
-zTest for empty string
=Test for equality of strings
!=Test for inequality of strings
Logical OperatorsFunction
-aLogical AND
-oLogical OR
!Logical NOT
File Test OperatorsFunction
-fFile exists and is a regular file
-sFile is not empty
-rFile is readable
-wFile can be written to and modified
-xFile is executable
-dFilename is a directory name

Download the Bash Shell Test Operators Cheat Sheet in Picture format:Bash Shell Test Operators Cheat Sheet

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