How to Install SQL*PLUS in Linux? (Ubuntu)

How to Install SQL*PLUS in Linux? (Ubuntu)

  • Linux
  • 3 mins read

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install SQL*PLUS in Linux, I am using the Ubuntu system to demonstrate this. Actually, to install SQL*PLUS on Linux, you need to install Oracle Instant Client so that you can connect to Oracle Database using SQL*PLUS. Below is the step by step guide.

The following are the software version details, used in this tutorial:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 (32-bit)
  • Oracle Instant Client 18.3 x86

1. Download The Oracle Instant Client Software

First, you need to download the Oracle Instant Client software, click the following link to download Oracle Client software. I chose the version x86 because I have Ubuntu 16.04 32-bit installed on my Virtual Machine.

Select the Oracle Client version.

After selecting the version above it will direct you on the following page, then choose the following highlighted Oracle Client Software as shown in the image below:

Oracle Instant Client 18.3

2. Install Alien to Support Conversion for RPM Packages

After downloading all these three files, you can cut and paste to move the files to another folder, for example, I moved the above three files to /home/vin/sqlplusinstall directory.

Now open the Terminal in Ubuntu and give the following command:

sudo apt-get install alien

It may ask you to enter the password for the current user, then type the password and hit enter to continue.

3. Install SQL*PLUS (Oracle Instant Client 18.3) on Linux (Ubuntu)

After completing the above installation, in Terminal, change the directory to your downloaded RPM files directory, for example, /home/vin/sqlplusinstall and give the following command to see the content of the folder:


It will list out the files something like above. Now start the installation of these three files one by one as mentioned below:

sudo alien -i oracle-instantclient18.3-basic-
sudo alien -i oracle-instantclient18.3-sqlplus-
sudo alien -i oracle-instantclient18.3-devel-

4. Install Libaio1

After completing all these three installations, give the following command to install libaio:

sudo apt-get install libaio1

5. Configure Oracle.conf File

Now edit the configuration file to add the path (/usr/lib/oracle/18.3/client/lib/) in it, give the following command to open the editor in Ubuntu:

sudo sensible-editor /etc/

In the editor, copy & paste the following line, save and close the editor.


If your Oracle client version is different, for example, 18.3.1, then you need to change in the above path. To check you can go to the folder /usr/lib/oracle.

6. Load the Configuration

After modifying the configuration file, load the configuration with the following command:

sudo ldconfig

7. Connect to Oracle Using SQL*PLUS

The installation and configuration of Oracle Instant Client are complete. You can run SQL*PLUS now to test the connection. Give the following command:

sqlplus scott/tiger@//YourHost:1521/orcl

Change the username and password and the YourHost with your host IP or name.

See also:

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Gaurav Bhandari

    Does not work with 12c... Still getting command not found in SQL.

    1. Vinish Kapoor

      The above installation method is tested. If you have followed all instructions properly then it should be done without any issues.

      I have a doubt if you have set the path correctly. You please check the directory /usr/lib/oracle that what exactly the version folder is so that you can specify it in oracle.conf file.

  2. Dieter

    Thanks - works great!

  3. Abdelaziz

    What is the 'username' and 'password'...? I did those steps on Debian OS and it worked but, I was never asked to set any username/password
    I didn't find a solution anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Vinish Kapoor

      You need to specify the username and password for the Oracle database using SQL plus. You can use the user SYSTEM and the password you specified at the time of the Oracle database installation.

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