Best Raspberry Pi Courses on Udemy

Best Raspberry Pi Courses on Udemy

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10 Best Raspberry Pi courses on Udemy.

Please check below for more details for each course:

Raspberry Pi For Beginners - 2022 Complete Course

 in stock
as of July 17, 2024 5:42 am

Build Amazing Projects with Raspberry Pi 4, using Python 3, GPIOs, Flask, the Raspberry Pi Camera, and More

Created by: Edouard Renard
Software engineer and entrepreneur
Rating:4.59 (992reviews)     7389students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Master your Raspberry Pi, starting from scratch
  • Build a complete surveillance and alarm project with Raspberry Pi
  • Learn Python3 from zero, step by step
  • Install the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS on your Raspberry Pi 4 (also works on 2 and 3)
  • Use the Raspberry Pi’s GPIOs to control hardware components
  • Create a web server on your Raspberry Pi
  • Send emails from your Raspberry Pi
  • Learn how to use the terminal to get more control over your Pi
  • Take pictures and videos with the Raspberry Pi camera V2
  • Start directly with the Best Practices
  • Learn how to be more independent when working on your future projects
  • Get more practice with hands-on lessons, 11 activities and a final project


  • A computer + a Raspberry Pi 4 (also works with Raspberry 2 and 3)
  • A list of hardware components (provided in a free preview lecture at the beginning). You can still start the course without those components.
  • NO external monitor or keyboard required.
  • NO programming, Unix, or hardware experience required.
  • A will to learn and to progress with the Raspberry Pi

Target audience

  • Students, Engineers, Researchers, Teachers, Developers, Hobbyists.
  • Anyone wanting to learn how to get started with Raspberry Pi and build amazing projects
  • Anyone wanting to really understand what they’re doing with Raspberry Pi, Python3, and the different components you can use with the board
  • Anyone who already knows Python or Unix and wants to dive into Raspberry Pi
  • People who want to start robotics projects, home automation, web servers, IoT projects, etc., with their Raspberry Pi
  • Raspberry Pi users who feel stuck in their projects and want to get more autonomous

Raspberry Pi Full Stack Raspbian

 in stock
as of July 17, 2024 5:42 am

A whirlwind tour of full-stack web application development on the Raspberry Pi

Created by: Dr. Peter Dalmaris
Educator and Author of "Maker Education Revolution".
Rating:4.67 (1365reviews)     12352students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Setup the minimal Raspbian Lite operating system to the RPi.
  • Learn how to work in headless mode
  • Learn to install and use the a Python virtual environment.
  • Install and use Flask, a Python-based web micro-framework
  • Install and use uWSGI as the application server for Flask
  • Install and use Nginx light-weight web server
  • Setup systemd to automatically start your application
  • Use the RPi GPIOs as digital input and outputs
  • Use a DHT22 humidity and temperature sensor
  • Install and use the SQLite database
  • Use the Google Chart API to create visual representations of the sensor data
  • Use JQuery to add interactivity to web pages
  • Use Plotly for graphical analysis of sensor data
  • Assign a static IP address to your Raspberry Pi
  • Expose your application to the Internet, and access it from anywhere


  • A Raspberry Pi 4, 3, 2, model B
  • A Windows, Mac or Linux computer
  • A DHT22 sensor
  • An 5mm LED
  • A pushbutton
  • A breadboard and jumper wires
  • Access to the Internet
  • (Check hardware requirements in a free lecture in the first section of the course)

Target audience

  • Makers who want to experience the full process of web application development
  • Any experience in programming with a high-level language is useful but not necessary
  • Experience with small breadboard circuit is useful but not necessary
  • Anyone who want experience working with modern web application development technologies

Raspberry Pi and Arduino - Go to The Next Level

 in stock
as of July 17, 2024 5:42 am

Make your Raspberry Pi Communicate with Arduino - Build a Complete Intercom Project - Serial, Telegram Bot, Pi Camera...

Created by: Edouard Renard
Software engineer and entrepreneur
Rating:4.6 (91reviews)     1469students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Make Raspberry Pi communicate with Arduino, using Serial
  • Build a complete Intercom system with Raspberry Pi and Arduino
  • Use the Raspberry Pi as the “brain” and the Arduino as the “muscles” of your application
  • Understand the differences between Arduino and Raspberry Pi
  • Install and configure Arduino IDE on Raspberry Pi OS
  • Create a bidirectional Serial communication
  • Build a custom protocol to talk over Serial
  • Write code with Python 3 on Raspberry Pi and C++ on Arduino
  • Create a Telegram Bot with Python 3
  • Send notifications from your Raspberry Pi to your phone
  • Control Arduino from a Telegram chat
  • Practice a lot thanks to 9 activities and one big final project
  • Start directly with the best practices
  • Develop an engineer mindset when solving problems
  • Learn how to be more independent when working on your future projects
  • Understand the “why” behind things
  • Learn by doing and not just watching


  • Arduino basics with C++ and how to build a circuit
  • Raspberry pi basics with Python 3
  • Arduino board + Raspberry Pi board + a few hardware components (list of components available in a free preview lesson)
  • This is an intermediate course, not for complete beginners!

Target audience

  • Students, Engineers, Researchers, Teachers, Developers, Hobbyists.
  • Arduino and/or Raspberry Pi makers who want to combine the 2 boards for more fun and complex projects.
  • Anyone interested in going further with Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
  • Anyone who wants to build serious robotics or home automation projects.

2022 Ultimate Guide to Raspberry Pi : Tips, Tricks and Hacks

 in stock
as of July 17, 2024 5:42 am

Master the Raspberry Pi 4, Work with Python, GPIO pins and sensors, the Pi Camera Module, build an Amazon Echo Clone!

Created by: Lee Assam
Electrical and Software Engineer, University Instructor
Rating:4.41 (1985reviews)     15140students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Understand what the Raspberry Pi is and how to set it up
  • Understand the process of installing any OS for the Raspberry Pi
  • Understand how to connect remotely to your Raspberry Pi and run it in headless mode
  • Learn the ins and outs of working with the Terminal and Linux commands
  • Learn how to install software using the APT Package system
  • Learn how to setup a Web Server
  • Learn how to work with GPIO pins and read external inputs and sensors (buttons and PIR sensors)
  • Learn how to work with USB Cameras
  • Learn how to use the Raspberry Pi Camera Module and interact with it programmatically
  • Learn how to make an Amazon Echo Clone


  • No previous programming or electronics knowledge required. Just a passion for mastering the Raspberry Pi

Target audience

  • Anyone who wants to master the Raspberry and learn tips, tricks and hacks to make you more productive

Raspberry Pi: Write Your Own Operating System Step by Step

 in stock
as of July 17, 2024 5:42 am

Learn how to write a 64-bit operating system from scratch for raspberry pi 3 and 4

Created by: x-BIT Development
Low-Level Programming Training
Rating:4.73 (58reviews)     816students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Be able to build a simple operating system for the ARM64 architecture.
  • Understand the fundamentals of ARM64
  • How to handle interrupts and exceptions in ARM64 mode
  • How to write OS kernel with the assembly code and C code
  • Be able to build a memory manager using ARM paging mechanism
  • How to write timer handler for the process manager
  • How to build a process manager to schedule processes and change them among different states (sleep, ready, killed)
  • How to implement system call module to make user programs running in the system
  • Write a simple console and interact with OS kernel using commands
  • Be able to write a simple file system module which supports reading fat16 system.


  • Raspberry Pi 3B or 4 (not required)
  • USB to TTL Serial Cable (not required)
  • Basic Knowledge of ARM 64-bit Assembly Language and C Language

Target audience

  • Students who learned the operating system concepts and want to put them into practice
  • Students curious about the fundamental mechanisms used in the OS
  • People who want to build a hobby OS but don't know how and where to start

Raspberry Pi Boot Camp

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as of July 17, 2024 5:42 am

Learn about Raspberry Pi, Python 3, GPIOs, Pi Camera and Image Processing.

Created by: Yılmaz Alaca
Elektrik Elektronik Mühendisi
Rating:5 (4reviews)     17students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Raspberry Pi,
  • Python 3,
  • OpenCV,
  • GPIOs and
  • Object Detection.


  • Work hard,
  • Tenacity and
  • Interest.

Target audience

  • For engineering students (EEE, CE etc.),
  • Interested in Computer Vision (OpenCV Module),
  • Interested in Raspberry Pi Computers and
  • Interested in Object Detection with Machine Learning.

Raspberry Pi: Make a Workbench Computer

 in stock
as of July 17, 2024 5:42 am

Build a touch-screen driven application and control appliances and devices using a Raspberry Pi

Created by: Dr. Peter Dalmaris
Educator and Author of "Maker Education Revolution".
Rating:4.25 (282reviews)     4887students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Create graphical applications on the Raspberry Pi
  • Understand the basics of controlling mains appliances using relays
  • Learn how to use a low-cost relay board to control large loads with your Raspberry Pi
  • Understand how to use a relay board to control large loads with your Raspberry Pi
  • Control DC devices
  • Use the camera to take snapshots, interval snapshots and videos.
  • Create a Python application that allows you to control external devices and appliances, and interact with sensors
  • Manipulate still images and video taken by the Raspberry Pi camera
  • Design a driver circuit for the external relays
  • Control mains appliances safely
  • Create an enclosure for your mains controller circuit
  • Setup a remote working environment for your Raspberry Pi
  • Design a printed circuit board for the relay circuit


  • A basic understanding of the Raspberry Pi
  • A basic understanding of electronics
  • Ability to install free software on your computer
  • Parts and tools, as listed in a free lecture in section 1

Target audience

  • Anyone familiar with the Raspberry Pi looking to expand their skills
  • Anyone interested in home automation
  • Anyone looking for a challenging project

Raspberry Pi Full Stack Upgrade Project

 in stock
as of July 17, 2024 5:42 am

A challenging upgrade project that blends Raspberry Pi, ESP32, sensors, displays, radio communications & Cloud services.

Created by: Dr. Peter Dalmaris
Educator and Author of "Maker Education Revolution".
Rating:5 (1reviews)     166students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Become better at the analysis, design, and planning required when working on large projects.
  • Improve your ability to build a full-stack application based on the Raspberry Pi, the ESP32 and a combination of software tools and technologies.
  • You will gain new skills in maintaining, modifying, and extending a full-stack application.
  • Improve your understanding of the the Linux operating system and the command line.
  • Learn how to use the HC12 transceiver to allow communications between a Raspberry Pi and ESP32 (or any Arduino compatible) boards.
  • Show Raspberry Pi status information on an OLED screen.
  • Get environment data from a BME280 sensor on a Raspberry Pi and ESP32.
  • Use Google Charts and Plotly Graph Object in a Raspberry Pi web application.


  • I recommend that you Raspberry Pi Full Stack before attempting Raspberry Pi Full Stack Upgrade Project.
  • Be comfortable with Linux and the command line.
  • Be comfortable with wiring simple circuits.
  • Any prior experience with the Raspberry Pi, ESP32, or the Arduino is a plus.

Target audience

  • Graduates of the original Raspberry Pi Full Stack course.
  • Makers looking for a non-trivial Raspberry Pi project.
  • Makers keen to up-skill their entire skill set, from the operating system to the Internet of Things.

Raspberry Pi Essentials: Learn More in Less Time

 in stock
as of July 17, 2024 5:42 am

Learn Raspberry Pi4 for beginners! Start from the basics and go all the way to build your own Projects

Created by: Umesh Lokhande
Embedded Engineer | Educator
Rating:4.85 (238reviews)     1680students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Learn how to setup Raspberry Pi3/4 and write python programs
  • Build several Raspberry Pi based Mini Projects to get more inside
  • Get hands-on experience of working with Linux and Python Programming
  • Build real world Raspberry Pi Projects such as Smart Home, Weather Monitoring Station


  • Raspberry Pi3/4 Model B/B+
  • Computer with installed Windows OS
  • You can create a small circuit with breadboard
  • Knowledge of a multimeter, breadboard, Jumper wires will be great (but not must)
  • Electronics Components: LED (5mm), Resistor (330ohm), Tact Switch, DHT11 Sensor Module
  • Tools: HDMI Screen, HDMI Cable, MicroSD Card (8GB, Class 6), SDCard Adaptor, USB Keyboard, Mouse
  • For Raspberry Pi4 additional: USB Type-C Cable, Micro HDMI to HDMI Adapter required to complete Setup

Target audience

  • Anyone curious about Raspberry Pi4 & Microprocessor Programming
  • People with no experience in Electronics and Software Development
  • Students, Raspberry Pi Makers and Professionals looking to build Product Prototype
  • Raspberry Pi makers who wish to enhance their skills and knowledge about Embedded Linux

Turn Raspberry Pi into A Web Server

 in stock
as of July 17, 2024 5:42 am

Setup Webserver on your own Raspberry Pi and have full control over your files and web scripts + Avoid monthly fees

Created by: Educational Engineering Team
Team of skilled Engineers Sharing Knowledge with the World
Rating:4 (4reviews)     137students enrolled

What Will I Learn?

  • Host your files, scripts, web pages, monitoring systems on your own web server
  • Create a web page to read sensors data and control your house vie home automation using your own server
  • Avoid the monthly fees of hosting services by paying only for the raspberry pi board once!
  • Have full control over your server, turn it on, off, make it visible and a lot of other options
  • Host other people websites and charge a monthly fee!
  • Setup the Raspbian operating system to the RPi
  • Wire up your Raspberry Pi to create a fully functional computer
  • Use and Learn Python programming language
  • Write Python code to control the Raspberry Pi hardware
  • Install the OS on Your SD Card
  • Enable SSH And Setup Wi-Fi on Raspberry Pi
  • Install Required Packages
  • Installing Apache Server
  • Install Database MySQL
  • Download and Install Web Scripts: WordPress
  • Configure Web Server
  • Give Raspberry Pi A Domain Name to access it worldwide.
  • Setup Your Router to allow connection to your Pi


  • A Raspberry Pi, any version (Optional)
  • A Windows, Mac or Linux computer
  • Access to the Internet

Target audience

  • Anyone interested in Hosting your files, scripts, web pages, monitoring systems on your own web server
  • Anyone interested in Avoiding the monthly fees of hosting services by paying only for the raspberry pi board once!
  • Anyone interested in Having full control over your server, turn it on, off, make it visible and a lot of other options
  • Anyone interested in Hosting other people websites and charge a monthly fee!
  • Anyone interested in Creating a web page to read sensors data and control your house vie home automation using your own server
  • Ability to Practice Not Just Watch
  • Ability to do independent research using online resources

Price Statistics

  • All prices mentioned above are in United States dollar.
  • This product is available at Udemy.
  • At you can purchase Raspberry Pi Boot Camp for only $12.00
  • The lowest price of Raspberry Pi: Make a Workbench Computer was obtained on July 17, 2024 5:42 am.

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