Check if Directory Exists in Julia

Check if Directory Exists in Julia

  • Julia
  • 2 mins read

To check if a directory exists in Julia, you can use the isdir function from the Base module. This function takes the path of the directory as an argument, and returns true if the directory exists and false if it does not.

Check if Directory Exists in Julia Examples

For example, to check if the src directory exists in the current working directory, you could use the following code:

using Base

if isdir("src")
    println("The src directory exists.")
    println("The src directory does not exist.")

Here is the output of this code:

The src directory exists.

Alternatively, you can use the @isdefined macro to check if a directory exists. This macro takes the name of the directory as an argument, and returns true if the directory exists and false if it does not. For example, to check if the src directory exists in the current working directory, you could use the following code:

# Check if the src directory exists
if @isdefined src
    println("The src directory exists.")
    println("The src directory does not exist.")

Here is the output of this code:

The src directory exists.

Here are a few more examples of checking if a directory exists in Julia, using different methods and approaches:

# Example 1: Check if a directory exists using the exists function
using Base

if exists("src")
    println("The src directory exists.")
    println("The src directory does not exist.")

# Example 2: Check if a directory exists using the readdir function
using Base

if "src" in readdir()
    println("The src directory exists.")
    println("The src directory does not exist.")

# Example 3: Check if a directory exists using the try/catch block
using Base

    files = readdir("src")
    println("The src directory exists.")
    println("The src directory does not exist.")

In these examples, we use the exists function, the readdir function, and a try/catch block, respectively, to check if the src directory exists in the current working directory. As you can see, each of these methods provides a different way to check for the existence of a directory.

These are just a few examples of how to check if a directory exists in Julia. For more information, I would recommend checking out the documentation for the Base module.


  1. Check if a File Exists in Julia