Check if List is Empty in Groovy

Check if List is Empty in Groovy

  • Groovy
  • 1 min read

In Groovy, a list is an ordered collection of elements. It is similar to an array in other programming languages. A list allows you to store and retrieve elements in a specific order. To check if a list is empty in Groovy, you can use the isEmpty() method. Here's an example:

Check if List is Empty in Groovy Examples

def list = []
if (list.isEmpty()) {
  println "list is empty"
} else {
  println "list is not empty"

This code checks if the list list is empty. Since we initialize the list with an empty list literal ([]), the list is empty. Therefore, the code will print "list is empty".

Here's another example that shows how to check if a list is empty after adding some elements to it:

def list = []
list << "element1"
list << "element2"
if (list.isEmpty()) {
  println "list is empty"
} else {
  println "list is not empty"

In this code, we add two elements to the list using the << operator. Since the list is not empty after adding the elements, the code will print "list is not empty".


  1. Check if Map is Empty in Groovy
  2. Check if String is Empty in Groovy