Create a Checkerboard in LaTeX Using TikZ Matrix

Create a Checkerboard in LaTeX Using TikZ Matrix

  • Blog
  • 1 min read

This tutorial shows how to create a checkerboard in LaTeX using the TikZ matrix.

Example: Checkerboard in Latex Using TikZ Matrix

Below example uses [anchor=center][nodes in empty cells]c/.style[row sep=-\pgflinewidth][column sep=-\pgflinewidth];.

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}
\tikzset{mystyle/.style={matrix of nodes,
        nodes in empty cells,
        row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
        column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
        nodes={draw,minimum width=1cm,minimum height=1cm,anchor=center}}}

|[c]|&A    &|[c]|&\\
     &|[c]|&B    &|[c]|\\
|[c]|&C    &|[c]|&\\
     &|[c]|&D    &|[c]|\\
|[c]|&    &|[c]|&\\
&|[c]|&    &|[c]|\\
|[c]|&    &|[c]|&\\
&|[c]|&    &|[c]|\\
&A    &&\\
&&B    &\\
&C    &&\\
&&D    &\\


Checkerboard chart in LaTeX using TikZ matrix.

See also: