CSS font-weight property.

The Complete Guide to CSS Font-Weight

  • CSS
  • 3 mins read

‍Did you know that there are a variety of different font weights for CSS fonts? Did you also know that using the wrong weight can negatively impact your site’s performance and user experience? The usage of font-weight can be tricky, but once you understand it, you’ll be able to use it to your advantage. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know about CSS font-weight. Let’s get started!

What is CSS font-weight?

The CSS font-weight property defines the boldness of a font. It can range from 100 to 900, with 100 being the lightest weight and 900 being the heaviest weight. You can use this property to make a bold statement, emphasize text or even highlight specific words.

The different types of font weights

There are five different font weights that are commonly used in CSS. These include * Normal * Bold * Semibold * Bold Semibold * Heavy. Knowing what they are and how they work will help you make the right decisions when using them.

How to use CSS font-weight ― weighing the benefits

The font-weight property is a CSS property that defines the weight of fonts. You can use this to set the weight of headlines, body text, and more. It can be set using the keywords: normal, bold, bolder, lighter, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, or 600.

There are plenty of benefits to using font-weight in your designs. First off, it can help to improve the readability of your content as well as make it easier for people to skim through it when they’re skimming online. It also helps you to create more contrast between different elements on your pages which can help with clarity and legibility.

However, there are some disadvantages associated with using font-weight too. For example, if you’re going for a consistent design or brand identity throughout your website and all of your links are blue but your text is varying weights for different purposes (e.g., buttons are bolder than body text), then it may make it difficult for visitors who use screen readers or other accessibility devices to navigate through the site without assistance from a sighted person because they won’t know what type of content they should be focusing on when interacting with the site.

Below are some examples of CSS font-weight property usage:

.normal-text {
  font-weight: normal;

.bold-text {
  font-weight: bold;

.bolder-text {
  font-weight: 900;

When to use what type of font-weight

CSS font-weight property is typically used to make text stand out and attract attention. They are also often used to highlight a particular word or phrase on the page to catch people's eye. The third category is called “bolder” fonts. These are larger than the normal font-weight, with even more emphasis on attracting attention. Bolder fonts will usually take up more space on the page than regular fonts will so be sure that you have enough room for them before inserting them into your design! Each category has its own purpose for the use which we will discuss below in detail later on in this article.

Key Takeaway

This article has provided a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know about CSS font-weight. If you're designing a new website and want to be sure that you're making the right decisions, this article will surely help you.