Deploying ADF Applications on Oracle WebLogic Server 11g

Deploying ADF Applications on Oracle WebLogic Server 11g

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  • 3 mins read

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to deploy ADF applications on Oracle WebLogic Server 11g.

An enterprise application built using the Application Development Framework (ADF) is packed into an EAR file. As per the Java EE standards, for deployment. This EAR file can be deployed to the Oracle WebLogic Server 11g in the same manner as standard Java EE applications archives are deploying.

This EAR file can be used from Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, from JDeveloper IDE, or via WLST commands.

Deploying ADF Applications on WebLogic Server 11g

For WebLogic Server 11g to be prepared for the deployment of an ADF application, the ADF runtime needs to be installed on that server. To ensure this, the domain needs to be extended with the WebLogic Server template for Oracle ADF.

Typical ADF applications use a database as the data source so that data source needs to be configured in the server.

If the application uses a customization feature, the application needs to be configured with an MDS repository requires to be created and registered. Setting the MDS repository connection information is a critical part of deploying an ADF application.

Any contents that need to be used to MDS are targeted to this repository, and these are packaged in a metadata archive(MAR) inside the EAR. Any customizations, including changes to application configuration and application connections. As well as end-user personalizations are created and persisted in this repository.

An MDS repository, from the registered repositories, and an MDS partition need to be selected as the target for an ADF application from the Enterprise Manager UI in the Deployment Plan section.

The best-practice recommendation is to select to separate MDS partition for each ADF application. Also, it is recommended to choose a partition name that's similar to the application name. A partition with the selected partition name will be created in MDS if it does not exist that time of deployment.

In some advanced scenarios, some metadata is shared between multiple applications via shared metadata repositories. In these cases, the shared metadata repository details also need to be selected in the deployment plan UI as well. This MDS repository selection is updated into the adf-config.xml file.

If the application is deployed via WLST commands, then before the deploy command being executed, the MDS repository selection needs to be updated into the application archive via the following commands:

WLST Commands to Update MDS Repository

ArchiveToBeDeployed = getMDSArchiveConfig( fromLocation = '<location of the ear file>')

ArchiveToBeDeployed.setAppMetadataRepository( repository='myMDSRepose', partition=' <Partition Name', type='DB', jndi= '<jndi name')

The information required for the preceding commands about the MDS repository, such as the type and the JNDI name, can be obtained from the MDS repository home page in the Enterprise Manager.

Clicking the info icon next to the repository name in the page will result in a pop-up dialog that shows the details of this repository.

Now the adf-config.xml in the archive is updated with the MDS repository information, and the archive is ready for deployment via the deploy command, which can be done via the following WLST command:

WLST Command to Deploy MDS Archive

deploy(' <Applicatiion Name>', '<location of the ear files>', targets=' < Target Servers')


See also:

  • Oracle Forms 12c Configuration Files Location

This Post Has One Comment

  1. smconsultants

    Its really informative. Thank you for such amazing knowledge.

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