How to Create Schema in Oracle Using SQL Developer?

How to Create Schema in Oracle Using SQL Developer?

In this tutorial, I am giving a step-by-step example to create a schema in Oracle using SQL Developer. The method described below applies to all the versions of Oracle database like 10g, 11g, 12c, etc.

In Oracle, a schema is a user having database objects, and a user is just a user who is having the privileges to access specific schemas.

So if you want to create a schema in Oracle database, then you need to create a user and after that create database objects or import it. Below are the steps to create a schema in Oracle SQL Developer.

Steps to Create a Schema in Oracle Using Oracle SQL Developer

  1. Open SQL Developer and connect using a user account having privileges to create a schema in the Oracle database.
  2. Then click on the user name in Connections panel to expand the node.
  3. Scroll down the navigator tree, and you will find a node, Other Users.
  4. Do the right click on Other Users node and select Create User option from the shortcut menu.
  5. A Create User window will appear as shown in the below image.

Create schema in Oracle using SQL Developer

  1. Type the schema name into the User Name field.
  2. Specify the password.
  3. Select check-boxes according to your requirement for the account.
  4. Specify the tablespaces.
  5. Then click on the Apply button to create the schema in Oracle.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. mayur

    Hi Sir, When I am running below query then database name is coming as XE.
    select name from v$database;

    however after establishing connection in sql developer database name is coming as the same name we provided in name column in connection tab .

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