How to Backup Oracle Database Using Toad?

How to Backup Oracle Database Using Toad?

In this tutorial, you will learn how to take backup of Oracle Database using Toad. Toad uses Oracle's Export utility (Exp.exe) to export the data, so the path setting must exist of the executable file in the Toad options. If the export setting does not exist, then follow the steps to configure the export file.

Configure Toad Options for Export

  1. Click on the menu View > Toad Options.
  2. In Toad Options window, click on the Executables node under Editor and browse the Exp.exe file location and click on Apply then OK button to apply the changes, as shown in the below image:

Set the export utility path in Toad options

Now you can run the export utility wizard in Toad to perform the backup. Follow these steps.

Steps to Take Backup of Oracle Database Using Toad

  1. In Toad, click on the menu Database > Export > Export Utility Wizard.
  2. In the first step of the wizard, you will find the options as shown in below image. Choose the option Export tables if you want to take the backup only for tables, choose Users or choose Full Database option if you're going to backup of whole Oracle database and then click on the Next button. To demonstrate the backup process using Toad I am using Export Users option.

Export users using Toad

  1. Then in the second step, choose users you want to export and click on the Next button. I selected user SCOTT to export as shown in below image:

Export DMP file Using Toad for Oracle

  1. In the third step, specify the backup options as shown in the below image and then click on the Next button.

Specify objects to export using Toad for Oracle

  1. In the fourth step, specify the DUMP file location (.DMP file), LOG file and BAD file location and click on the Next button as shown in below image:

Toad Export Utility Wizard Tutorial

  1. In the fifth step, select the option to ZIP the file if you want to create a ZIP file of the DMP file and then click on the Finish button to export the users chosen into an Oracle DUMP file. You will get the message of successful export as shown in below example:
exporting table                       SALGRADE

5 rows exported

EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics.
exporting synonyms

exporting views

exporting stored procedures

exporting operators
exporting referential integrity constraints
exporting triggers

exporting indextypes

exporting bitmap, functional and extensible indexes
exporting posttables actions
exporting materialized views
exporting snapshot logs
exporting job queues
exporting refresh groups and children
exporting dimensions

exporting post-schema procedural objects and actions
exporting statistics
Export terminated successfully with warnings.

See also: