How to Delete The First Element from an Indexed Array in PHP?

How to Delete The First Element from an Indexed Array in PHP?

  • PHP
  • 1 min read

In this tutorial, you will learn how to delete the first element from an indexed array in PHP.

In PHP, there is a predefined function array_shift(), which will help us to delete the first element from an array.

Here is an example for deleting the first element from an array $a.

               echo $a[$i]."<br>";




Here the array $a is containing 4 elements. The first element is deleted using the function array_shift().
After deleting the first array element from the array, the present array elements are:

Here $a[0]="tarak"=first array element value.
$a[1]="mona"=second array element value.
$a[2]="rajat"=third array element value.

Finally, we have printed the array element values with different lines using for loop and echoed statement and <br> tag.