How to Get Microsoft Office Online for Free?

How to Get Microsoft Office Online for Free?

  • Blog
  • 2 mins read

I am using Mac, and a few days back I was required to edit my CV, which I have created in Microsoft Word but my yearly subscription of Microsoft Office was expired. Due to very few usages, I didn't want to renew it further, so I thought to edit it on Microsoft Office Online for free if possible, even I know, that there are also other options such as Google Docs to edit MS Office files but due to some formatting issues I just wanted to edit in Microsoft Word. And believe me, I was not aware, that it is free to create/edit MS Office files up to 5GB storage until I login to with my Microsoft account and I got notified that I can use it for free up to 5GB. I got happy because 5GB was enough for me to create or edit MS Office files for my personal use. So here I will show the same few steps to get Microsoft Office Online for free to create/edit MS Office files like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.

1. Create a Microsoft Account

If you already have Microsoft Account, then skip this step, else click on this link to open the Microsoft Account page. Then click on the Create a Microsoft Account link as shown in the below image:

Create a Microsoft Account.

Then on the next step, specify an email id and click on the Next button and on another step specify the password for the account and click on the Next button to provide other details to complete your Microsoft Account creation.

You have created the account and now you can get the Microsoft Office online for free by doing the following step:

2. Get Microsoft Office Online for Free

Click on this link and sign in with your Microsoft Account you created in the above step or maybe you already have it. Then after login, it will take you to the Microsoft Office home as shown in the below example image. Here you can click on the Upload and open link to upload your Microsoft Office document and after completing the upload, it will open the document so that you can edit it.

Microsoft Office Home.

With this free account, you will get the 5GB storage and the following Microsoft Apps:

Microsoft Office Online Free Apps.

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