MySQL vs Oracle

MySQL vs Oracle

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  • 7 mins read

Choosing the right database management system is important. While some systems have specific features to meet your business goals, others do not. If you're trying to decide between MySQL and Oracle for your next database management system, the following MySQL vs Oracle comparison will help you make the right choice.

Database management systems enable businesses to categorize and structure available data in order to create a more efficient and organized working environment. They are critical for businesses because they enable efficient management of large volumes and diverse data types. As a result, businesses can make more informed decisions in less time.

Overview of Oracle SQL

When we talk about Oracle SQL, we mean Oracle Database. It is a commercially licensed Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). Oracle SQL is a cross-platform management system, which means that it can run on a wide range of operating systems.

This database management system was the first relational system designed to manipulate database records. Oracle SQL was also designed to be scalable, portable, and simple to program.

Oracle SQL is built for massive data sets. There are even resources for handling recoveries. A secondary objective is to keep the data honest and secure. This is made possible by following the rules of ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability).

Database Open Source

You may already know that MySQL is a free and open-source database management system. Unlike MySQL, Oracle SQL is developed with business in mind. That is, you can't use Oracle SQL unless you purchase a licence. Oracle SQL has a free express edition, but you should only use it if you're a student.

Database functionality

In terms of scalability, MySQL is suitable for both small and large businesses. Oracle SQL is intended for large-scale use and can handle large amounts of data.

MySQL is not suitable for dynamic systems due to its lack of data partitioning support. However, data partitioning is a feature of Oracle SQL. It can also function with dynamic as well as static systems.

MySQL, on the other hand, supports some types that Oracle SQL does not. MySQL, for example, accepts Null values. Null values are not supported by Oracle SQL.

The SQL language is supported by MySQL. Oracle SQL, on the other hand, supports both SQL and PL/SQL.

When compared to MySQL, Oracle SQL does not support as many operating systems. Oracle SQL, for example, is compatible with Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Unix, and z/OS. MySQL supports all of them, as well as BSD, Symbian, and AmigaOS.

MySQL did not support Stored Procedures until version 5. Oracle SQL, on the other hand, supports Stored Procedures that are embedded in the database. They can be performed or triggered by events.

Oracle's proprietary nature makes Oracle SQL inflexible to alterations. MySQL, however, is customizable. Due to its open-source nature, the code can be adapted to your needs and deployed in any setting.

Administration and security

Both MySQL and Oracle SQL support authentication via a variety of mechanisms, including user names and passwords. There are some subtle distinctions between the two, though. For example, in MySQL, the hostname is required for access.

Users can access the database, however, if they have the host, a username, and a password. A username and password are required for logging in to Oracle SQL, but a profile must also be validated. That is, if the profile is not configured, the user will be unable to access it. This also aids in the definition of user roles.

Because Oracle owns both Oracle SQL and MySQL, support and documentation are available for both. Oracle SQL provides community support as well as a variety of paid support options. MySQL offers technical support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Those support engineers are primarily concerned with bug fixes, regular maintenance, and the distribution of security patches.

Oracle's Benefits

Oracle SQL is the better option if a high degree of scalability is required and data is already expected to be larger. If the large database must also be hosted, go with Oracle SQL. It should also be used when transaction control requires flexibility.

If the database needs to work across multiple platforms, Oracle SQL is the way to go. Being optimised for larger databases and more concurrent users, Oracle SQL's concurrency pool is larger than that of MySQL's.

Although it is paid, Oracle SQL is designed to be the best option for businesses due to its support and capabilities, especially because it is built to scale with them.

Oracle's Disadvantages

Given that Oracle SQL Enterprise is meant for business use only, it is the only edition that does not cost money to use. This limits the number of people who can gain access to and learn this information unless they pay for it. The fact that you have to pay for it disqualifies it as open source.

This means that Oracle makes any updates and fixes, as well as the prices. This means that the product is less transparent. Because it is a finished product, it also means less customization and flexibility.

The final disadvantage, when compared to MySQL, is in the syntax. When compared to MySQL, the learning curve is a little steeper. Oracle SQL is not difficult to learn, but it is not as straightforward as MySQL.

MySQL's Benefits

MySQL is a better option in a few situations. When the database does not need to be scaled to a large extent, this is an example. Another example is when a read-only database is required for a website or web application.

If a higher level of replication is not required, MySQL is the better option. The budget would also be a good reason to choose MySQL because it has a free and open version under a GNU license.

The final reason to prefer MySQL over Oracle SQL is when concurrency is low or only simple queries are required.

MySQL's Disadvantages

Due to the fact that MySQL is owned by Oracle, it has many limitations when compared to other open-source relational database management systems. Although it is adaptable to small and large businesses, it is not designed for large-scale data, as Oracle SQL is. In addition, MySQL does not support integration with other client applications.

It is also possible to use triggers. Although these can be extremely useful for data, they can also place a significant burden on the database server. MySQL is slower than Oracle SQL and offers fewer storage options. It also cannot support large thread pools, but this is due to its lower memory storage capacity when compared to Oracle.


Oracle Corporation owns both MySQL and Oracle SQL, which are RDBMSs (relational database management systems). MySQL is designed to be free and open-source, whereas Oracle is designed to be commercial and paid. MySQL is also more customizable than Oracle, owing to the fact that Oracle is a pre-packaged product.

Both management systems provide community and technical support. Although they are both owned by the same company, these databases are very different, especially when it comes to features like concurrency threads and data partitioning. Both databases have the potential to be extremely powerful.

We hope that this MySQL vs Oracle comparison article will help you choose the right database for your business.