Fix: Import Flask Could Not Be Resolved from Source Pylance Error

Fix: Import Flask Could Not Be Resolved from Source Pylance Error

The error message "import flask could not be resolved from source pylance" typically indicates that Pylance, the language server used by the Python extension in Visual Studio Code, is unable to locate the Flask package for your Python environment. Here are some steps to resolve this issue:

Resolving: Import Flask Could Not Be Resolved from Source Pylance Error

  1. Ensure Flask is Installed:
    First, make sure Flask is installed in your Python environment. You can install it using pip: pip install flask If you are using a virtual environment (which is recommended), ensure that it's activated before you run the pip command.
  2. Check Your Python Path:
    Pylance needs to know where to find your Python interpreter. In Visual Studio Code, check your settings to ensure that the python.pythonPath is set to the correct interpreter where Flask is installed.
  3. Select the Correct Python Interpreter:
    Use the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS) and type "Python: Select Interpreter" to choose the correct interpreter for your project. Make sure it's the one where Flask is installed.
  4. Reload Window:
    Sometimes, simply reloading the Visual Studio Code window can refresh the environment settings. Use the Command Palette and type "Developer: Reload Window" to do this.
  5. Install the Pylance Extension:
    If you haven't already, ensure that the Pylance extension is installed in Visual Studio Code. It should be installed and enabled for better IntelliSense and type checking.
  6. Check Your Workspace Settings:
    If you have a .vscode folder in your workspace, check the settings.json file to make sure it doesn't contain any incorrect settings that might override your global Python path settings.
  7. Re-install the Python Extension:
    In some cases, uninstalling and then reinstalling the Python extension can help resolve issues.
  8. Check for Typos:
    Ensure that the import statement doesn't contain any typos. It should be import flask, all lowercase.
  9. Check if Flask is in PYTHONPATH:
    Your environment's PYTHONPATH variable should include the directory where Flask is installed. You can check the PYTHONPATH from within Python:
import sys print(sys.path)

This will print out all the directories where Python is looking for packages. Flask needs to be in one of these directories.

If you've gone through these steps and still encounter issues, consider seeking help from community forums or the Visual Studio Code documentation for troubleshooting specific to your development environment.