Learn How to Configure ADF Business Components

Learn How to Configure ADF Business Components

  • Blog
  • 2 mins read

In this article, you will learn how to configure ADF business components in WebLogic Server 11g.

You can modify ADF business components configuration via the supported MBeans. Unlike ADF connections and ADF application configuration information, which can be configured once for all versions of the same application. ADF Business Components need to be configured for all version of the application.

To update this configuration via Enterprise Manager, the first step is to start the MBean browser by navigating to the target domain and application and then beginning the ADF | Configure ADF menu.

Configure ADF Business Components

In the left panel of the System MBean Browser, navigate to ADFBC MBeans. These MBeans are in oracle.bc4j.mbean.share | server name | application name.

These are multiple sections- such as Application Modules, Pooling, and Scalability (for application pool properties or connection pool properties), Core, Database Properties, and Security Properties- where the administrator can update the configuration parameters.

Data sources using an Application module can be configured. All these operations can be done via WLST command as well.

For example, In the application Pool Section, the administrator can define whether Application Module pooling should be used (AmpoolDoAMPooling property), the maximum size of the Am pool (with the default being 25), the minimum size of the pool (with the default being 5), and several other such properties.

Similarly, in the Connection Pool section, one can specify the initial pool size (with the default being 0), the maximum pool size (with the default being 25), and the minimum available size.

In the Core section, the administrator can specify the default language. He can also specify database configuration, and so on. In the Database Properties section, the administrator can specify the maximum number of cursors. SQL Builder implementation and so on can be defined.

In the security section, one can specify the security context, the security configuration, and so on.

The administrator can also configure Application Module data-pooling information such as connection pool size and configuration.

If the application is using a JDBC URL for connection information (so the ADF database connection pool is used), then the configuration parameters can be used to return the behavior of the database connection pool.

See also: