Linux: Bash Built-in Commands Cheat Sheet (PDF, Image)

Linux: Bash Built-in Commands Cheat Sheet (PDF, Image)

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  • 4 mins read

Here I am sharing Linux bash built-in commands cheat sheet in PDF and image format.

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Linux Bash Built-in Commands List

:Expands listed arguments and redirects as specified.
.Reads and executes commands from a designated file in the current shell.
aliasDefines an alias for the specified command.
bgResumes a job in background mode.
bindBinds a keyboard sequence to a read line function or macro.
breakExits from a for, while, select, or until loop.
builtinExecutes the specified shell built-in command.
callerReturns the context of any active subroutine call.
cdChanges the current directory to the specified directory.
commandExecutes the specified command without the normal shell lookup.
compgenGenerates possible completion matches for the specified word.
completeDisplays how the specified words would be completed.
compoptChanges options for how the specified words would be completed.
continueResumes the next iteration of a for, while, select, or until loop.
declareDeclares a variable or variable type.
dirsDisplays a list of currently remembered directories.
disownRemoves the specified jobs from the jobs table for the process.
echoDisplays the specified string to STDOUT.
enableEnables or disables the specified built-in shell command.
evalConcatenates the specified arguments into a single command, and executes the command.
execReplaces the shell process with the specified command.
exitForces the shell to exit with the specified exit status.
exportSets the specified variables to be available for child shell processes.
fcselects a list of commands from the history list.
fgResumes a job in foreground mode.
getoptsParses the specified positional parameters.
hashFinds and remembers the full pathname of the specified command.
helpDisplays a help file.
historyDisplays the command history.
jobsLists active jobs.
killSends a system signal to the specified process ID (PID).
letEvaluates each argument in a mathematical expression.
localCreates a limited-scope variable in a function.
logoutExits a login shell.
mapfileReads STDIN lines and puts them into an indexed array.
popdRemoves entries from the directory stack.
printfDisplays text using formatted strings.
pushdAdds a directory to the directory stack.
pwdDisplays the pathname of the current working directory.
readReads one line of data from STDIN, and assigns it to a variable.
readarrayReads STDIN lines, and puts them into an indexed array.
readonlyReads one line of data from STDIN, and assigns it to a variable that can't be changed.
returnForces a function to exit with a value that can be retrieved by the calling script.
setSets and displays environment variable values and shell attributes.
shiftRotates positional parameters down one position.
shoptToggles the values of variables controlling optional shell behavior.
sourceReads and executes commands from a designated file in the current shell.
suspendSuspends the execution of the shell until a SIGCONT signal is received.
testReturns an exit status of 0 or 1 based on the specified condition.
timesDisplays the accumulated user and system shell time.
trapExecutes the specified command if the specified system signal is received.
typeDisplays how the specified words would be interpreted if used as a command.
typesetDeclares a variable or variable type.
ulimitSets a limit on the specific resource for system users.
umaskSets default permissions for newly created files and directories.
unaliasRemoves specified alias.
unsetRemoves the specified environment variable or shell attribute.
waitWaits for the specified process to complete, and returns the exit status.

See also: