How to List All Tables in SQLAlchemy?

How to List All Tables in SQLAlchemy?

In SQLAlchemy, you can list all tables in a database by using the Inspector object, which provides a way to inspect database metadata such as the list of table names. Below is an example of how to use the Inspector to get the list of tables from a specific database:

SQLAlchemy: List All Tables Using Inspector Example

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector

# Create an engine to the database you want to list tables from.
# Replace 'sqlite:///your-database.db' with your actual database URL.
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///your-database.db')

# Bind the engine to the metadata of the base class so that the
# declaratives can be accessed through a DBSession instance
inspector = Inspector.from_engine(engine)

# Get list of tables from inspector
tables_list = inspector.get_table_names()


Replace 'sqlite:///your-database.db' with the actual database URI for your database (this could be a PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, or any other database supported by SQLAlchemy).

This script connects to the database, creates an inspector object from the engine, and then retrieves all the table names in the database, printing them to the console.

If you have a MetaData object that is already bound to your engine, you can also use it to list tables:

SQLAlchemy: List All Tables Using MetaData Example

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData

# Create an engine to the database you want to list tables from.
# Replace 'sqlite:///your-database.db' with your actual database URL.
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///your-database.db')

# Create a MetaData instance
metadata = MetaData()

# Reflect the tables

# Now you can list tables.
tables_list = metadata.tables.keys()


In this script, the MetaData object is used to reflect all the tables in the database, allowing you to access the list of table names through the tables property of the MetaData instance.

For a more detailed guide, please see the tutorial below.

Detailed Tutorial on Listing All Tables in SQLAlchemy

Step 1: Install SQLAlchemy

If you haven't already installed SQLAlchemy, you can do so via pip:

pip install sqlalchemy

Step 2: Create an Engine

The engine is the starting point for any SQLAlchemy application. It's how SQLAlchemy communicates with your database. Replace 'sqlite:///your-database.db' with the connection string appropriate for your database.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///your-database.db')

Step 3: Use Inspector

The Inspector object in SQLAlchemy can be used to obtain database schema information:

from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector

inspector = Inspector.from_engine(engine)

Step 4: List Tables

Now that you have an Inspector instance, you can get the list of table names:

tables_list = inspector.get_table_names()
print("List of tables:", tables_list)

Step 5: Reflect Tables (Alternative Approach)

As an alternative to using Inspector, you can reflect all tables into a MetaData object. This approach is useful if you want to interact with the schema or the tables further:

from sqlalchemy import MetaData

metadata = MetaData()
tables_list = metadata.tables.keys()
print("List of tables using MetaData:", list(tables_list))


The quick method gives you an immediate list of table names, while the detailed steps enable you to interact with the database schema directly through SQLAlchemy's MetaData object. This flexibility can be particularly useful if you plan to perform more complex schema introspection or migrations.