3 Ways to Make Text Italic in HTML

3 Ways to Make Text Italic in HTML

  • HTML
  • 2 mins read

Italic text is a style of writing that is slanted to the right. It is typically used to emphasize certain words or phrases, or to set them apart from the surrounding text. Italicizing text can give it a unique look and help to draw attention to the words. It can also be used to indicate the title of a book or other work, or to indicate foreign words or phrases. When italicizing text, it is important to be consistent with the font and size of the text you are italicizing and to make sure that the font and size of the italicized text still fit with the overall design of your page. In this tutorial, I will show you 3 ways to make text italic in HTML. The first two ways are using HTML only, and the other one is using CSS.


Make Text Italic in HTML Using the <em> Tag

The HTML <em> tag is a great way to emphasize text. This tag renders text italicized and you can use it to highlight keywords or phrases that you want to stand out. It's also a great way to add visual interest to your web pages. Below is an example:

<p>This is some text you want to <em>emphasize</em>. </p>


This is some text you want to emphasize.


Make Text Italic in HTML Using the <i> Tag

The HTML <i> tag is another useful method for emphasizing text. It makes the text italicized, which is useful when you want to draw attention to a certain word or phrase. Below is an example:

<p>This can be <i>especially</i> helpful when writing a technical paper or website.</p>


This can be especially helpful when writing a technical paper or website.


Make Text Italic Using the CSS font-style property

You can use a class to define CSS font-style property with italic value for a paragraph <p> or the span <span> HTML tags to make the text italic. Below is an example:

CSS Code

.emph {
  font-style: italic;


<p>This is an example of <span class="emph">italic text</span> using CSS class.</p>


This is an example of italic text using CSS class.


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