Button properties in Oracle Apex.

Oracle Apex - On Button Click Open URL in a New Tab

In Oracle Apex, on button click, you want to open URL in a new tab. Here I am giving the example to perform this task using the Dynamic Action for a button.

Open URL in a New Tab on Button Click in Oracle Apex

Step-1: Create a button and set the properties highlighted in the below image:

Button properties in Oracle Apex.

Step-2: Now right click on the button you created and select Create Dynamic Action option. Then define the properties as shown in the below image:

Dynamic Action properties for a button.

As you can see in the above image that Action is set to Execute JavaScript Code and in the Code section, the following JavaScript code is written to open an URL in a New Tab on click of a button in Oracle Apex.



The above JavaScript code will open the Page number 2 in the same application into a new tab window. Now save the changes and test.

You can use any URL here to open it in the new tab.

See also:

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Khandaker Imran Hossain
    Go to Button
    Go to button Behavior
    Action : Redirect to URL
    1. Vinish Kapoor

      Yes right, this way also can be done.


    oracle apex
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